You gotta see this


Junior Member
September Eleventh; Should the truth be revealed or concealed?

On September 14 2006 David Ray giffin from 9/11 truth members explains who is behind 9/11 conspiracy and what is the goal of this, with clear proofs and evidence.

At the end He says
"since 911 the US govt has become even more dangerous ridiculing global warming while practicing an extreme version of double standards in relation to nuclear technology allowing all our friends to have nuclear weapons while denying to enemies even the right to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes while at the same time strengthening our own nuclear arsenal and even planning to put nuclear weapons in space apart from revelation of truth from 911 there is little chance that the present trajectory of US policy with its threat to survival of civilization itself will change even a change of adminsitration will probably result only minor changes apart from the revelation of truth about 911 because the present mythology about 911 will be used to justify continuing to focus entirely on human human relationships rather than over arching issue of our time which is the relation of human civilization as a whole to the ecosphere in which we live on which we are entirely dependent ,Although I and other members of 911 truth members in the US continue to hope that our congress and our mass media will finally expose the truth about 911 there is realistically little chance of that happening. so I am here to call upon the europeans to expose the truth about 911"
