
New Member
Brothers and sisters assalam 0 alaikum

It is funny to see that on turn to islam forum ,members are less interested in Islamic discussion if u dont believe go to home page and see that the topics which are really about Islam receive very less replies and other topics are full of replies.

In real sense the members should be more interested in Islamic topics
Please forgive me if u feel bad. Actually i am new here but i was amazed to
see this

Allah Hafiz..


to Allah we belong

not really bro. i think its 90% islam and only 10% fun.

if u'll go thru threads, u'll discover this fact. :)


ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا
Staff member
Akhi, i KIND of agree with you, but i've seen some really good replies to some of the Islamic topics and i believe that 1 big thing is better than alot of smaal things.
jzk for sharing your opinion


Junior Member
Hmmmmmm- kinda true- but have you ever seen that not ALL treads r actually about Islam? :lol: but ur kinda right. May Allah guide us all. btw-