Free Invitation: Tayyibun Annual Charity Iftar Gathering 2010...


Junior Member

The Tayyibun Annual Charity Fundraising Iftar Gathering is an unmissable jam-packed fully segregated event consisting of short inspiring lectures, mesmerising Qur'an recitations by Qurra from Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, breath-taking live nasheeds without musical instruments and charity fundraiser with auction.

A spectacular event not to be missed consisting of over fifty renowned scholars/ ustadhs and teachers enlightening us with their presence and passionately moving reminders. The event will host and cater for two thousand Muslims gathered under one roof to break their fast together in the blessed month of Ramadhaan with a luxurious elegant Iftar dinner- creating a sense of brotherhood and Islaamic unity.

The event will be fully segregated between the genders and will also house a separate area for sisters with children. All in all this should be an exquisite event with the noble aim in building brotherhood, raising awareness and funds for our chosen charity HHUGS whose work is invaluable.

Although entry & food is provided for free, we require all attendees to reserve their seats online to ensure that bookings do not exceed the hall capacity.


Book free seat:

sis khadidja

proud to be muslim
:salam2: :ma: wish i could go! the problem is i live to far inshallah the sisters and brothers going will enjoy themselves!:hearts::blackhijab:


Junior Member
gernada1492- alhumdulillah, the organisation is very well known, they also provide courses etc for brothers and sisters.i would advice you not to miss it, becouse inshallah it should be good.they have done events previously and iv heard they were really good.