Would you consider an intercultural/racial marriage?

For both brothers and sisters: Would you consider interracial/intercultural marriage?

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  • Poll closed .


Salafi Dawah is the best
Deleted, because i can't say how I feel, I have to act like a robot around everyone, just to be liked. my feedback, like me won't be missed anyways


New Member
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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakatuhu,

Yes. The most important thing is his/her Deen and add the manners to it.


Salafi Dawah is the best
Deleted, because i can't say how I feel, I have to act like a robot around everyone, just to be liked. my feedback, like me won't be missed anyways


Islam is my life
Staff member
yes ,I would :)
It will not be easy probably ,because of the cultural differences,
but Allah SWT made us into different tribes ,so we may recognize each other
The deen is the most important in my opinion



New Member
Staff member
Masha Allaah this is a nice subject because in reality we have a lot of brothers and sisters out there who aren't really open to this idea. I'd like to commend sister jabba for this brilliant idea. Insha Allaah this would help remove the tribalism/cultural mentality of some of our brothers and sisters especially parents :girl3:




You know I was a bit unhappy when I came to know that the poll is just for the sisters and I couldn't participate, but thanx to sister hur-ul-ein I can tell her now that JAbba is a SISTER ..... :SMILY149:


Salafi Dawah is the best
[Deleted, because i can't say how I feel, I have to act like a robot around everyone, just to be liked. my feedback, like me won't be missed anyways


Jazak-Allah khair


Jazak-Allah for giving me a chance to vote.
Well I agree that if Allah SWT has made it permissible for us than we shouldn't have any problem with that. And as sister Aisha mentioned that Allah SWT created us as different tribes so that we may recognize each other and the the full Ayat makes it more clear to us that for us to select a person his/her PIETY should be the criteria.


New Member
Staff member

You know I was a bit unhappy when I came to know that the poll is just for the sisters and I couldn't participate, but thanx to sister hur-ul-ein I can tell her now that JAbba is a SISTER ..... :SMILY149:

oops..sorry, my bad! SISTER Jabba rather :D and yeah this should be for everybody! :SMILY346:


Junior Member

Yes I am in a inter-racial/multi- cultural/ mixed ( whatever you wish to call it) marriage. I am English and my husband is Pakistani/Kashmiri in origin.

However we do not notice any problems or differences because we follow muslim culture and not any other culture. Both our parents masha'allah are happy and always have been and have good relationships with us both and the other. I feel that everyone has learnt things from the others alhamdulillah.

our children insha'allah will be mixed but above all they will be muslim insha'allah



bnqɯnɥ 'ɥɐq


Good poll :D My parents are actually encouraging me to marry outside of let's say our "whiteness". They want beautiful grandbabies lol. Sounds strange, but true. I would definitely marry outside my Irish-Italian roots.



Junior Member

Good poll :D My parents are actually encouraging me to marry outside of let's say our "whiteness". They want beautiful grandbabies lol. Sounds strange, but true. I would definitely marry outside my Irish-Italian roots.



Thats nice to hear. Most parents are most of the time encouraging their children to marrry within their own country, then within their own tribe.
That is sorda good only in 1 time, because it will be easier to communicate with your spouse. Although it should NOT BE A PROBLEM, because you should both follow the sunnah and quran and get along very well.

Here's a video that talks about this issue:



bnqɯnɥ 'ɥɐq


Thanks for the video. I forgot all about it...too funny lol.


Thats nice to hear. Most parents are most of the time encouraging their children to marrry within their own country, then within their own tribe.
That is sorda good only in 1 time, because it will be easier to communicate with your spouse. Although it should NOT BE A PROBLEM, because you should both follow the sunnah and quran and get along very well.

Here's a video that talks about this issue:



Forever Student

I'm actually really surprised with how many people have voted "yes". Masha'Allah, let us all remember to act on this as well.


Junior Member

salam alaykum sister jabba.

first of all i like ur new avatar lol.
well am not married but intend to marry a sister from another culture and another country and i pray insha allah it will work. i need your dou3a :)
