Christian Missionaries are getting pathetic


Junior Member
Just to add to that the missionaries have realized that the masses of Muslim will not accept their arguments for Christ or for the trinity or for the very fundamental message of Christianity. They've tried for a 1000 years only to be met by refutations and long arguments. They've sent thousands of orientalist to study Islam, publish thousands of book on the subject yet Muslims still do not gravitate towards their perverted faith. In the last 30 years the Missionaries have changed their tactic to something more dangerous; deceit,trickery, and violence. Their focusing most of their efforts on the world third countries prying on the innocent and the vulnerable. Its disturbing that they give children bible alongside medication and food and build churches in the shapes of Mosques and shops with Arabic names and fake Quran. Desperation have officially kicked in.

Not only have these Christian missionaries have been somewhat successful (except to Muslims) with their hidden agendas, but they have deceived millions of Christians themselves! Look at Easter and how they've integrated pagan rituals into the Christian faith! In December they are celebrating Jesus' birth, in March they are celebrating his death. :astag:

Who would of thought that intellectual human minds could be so easily manipulated.

A Kashmiri

Junior Member
To add to what you have written , They have diverse tactics.

A.Charitable Allurement
Most Missionary organizations disguise their conversion efforts as charity organization. Often in the press, we hear about “faith-based initiatives” but that is just a euphemism for aggressive and violent conversion organizations. In the Western media, Missionaries are portrayed as true saviors who feed the hungry and nurse the sick.

1. Gifts
By far the most common means of conversion is by buying the poor. In one tribal village, Missionaries promised the head of each household pair of nylon pants if he converted to Christianity and a motorbike if he converted his whole family. In a matter of a few months, the Missionaries had “spread the gospel” along with pants and motorbikes to the entire village.
2.Adoption & Child Sponsorship
Many innocent looking child sponsorship programs, such as Christian Children's Fund and World Vision, that often advertise on U.S. television are guilty of forced conversions. Many often say, “For 50 cents a day, you'll make a real impact on the life of a child and their community!” However, instead of nurturing these children as they claim, they use this money to buy children of poor non-Christian families (like slaves!). The children unwillingly are then separated from their mothers and are raised by Missionaries who brainwash them with Christian fundamentalist ideas. In other cases, Missionaries will “bribe” the entire family of the child to convert to Christianity.
3. Jobs - In 1999, the Indian Church of Christ in Assam was caught red-handed for forcibly converting at least 14 Hindus. Over a period of six months the missionaries belonging to this Church offered money, jobs and other economic benefits to these extremely poor Hindus if they adopted Christianity. These Hindus were threatened with dire consequences if they revealed to anyone the circumstances under which they had been converted.
Loans - When conversions by force not being possible, the methods that are applied are inducements and fraud. Inducements are called “social service” or “charitable” activities. In most cases, the social service benefits were provided only to those who agreed to convert. A loan given to a tribal is cancelled if he, along with his family, becomes a Christian.

B.Deception, Lies & Deceit
Christian Missionaries on one hand preach high moral values, yet at the same time, they follow the lowest most despicable ones in order to convert people to their religion.
1. Fake Medicines – One common tactic employed by Missionaries is to give a sick villager fake medicines which have no medicinal value and ask them to worship in the name of their faith for wellness. After several days, the missionary gives the villager an identical dose of the medicine, but this time it is the real medicine. Then the missionary will instruct the villager to now pray to Jesus. Soon after, due to the medicine and not due to Jesus, the villager will be cured. The uneducated and gullible villager, however, will attribute his cure to Jesus and convert to Christianity.
2. Floating Idols – In rural villages in India, Missionaries and place a stone or metal idol of a Hindu Deity in bring a bucket of water. The statue will sink in the bucket. Next the Missionary bring a wax-coated idol of Jesus or Virgin Mary (though Christianity prohibits idols) and places that in the bucket. Due the wax-coat, the Christian idol will float. The Missionary will then conclude that because the Christian idol floated, it is “higher” and, therefore, better than the Hindu one. The uneducated villager, not knowing anything about buoyancy or density, falls for the Missionary’s ridiculous explanation and converts to Christianity.
3.Fraudulent Saints – Often Missionaries will disguise themselves as religious leaders of the local religion and subtly attempt to convert the locals.

The classic example was that of Robert de Nobili, a Jesuit from France, who came to India in the early 17th century. He adopted the saffron robe, started to live in a hut, squatted on the floor for conducting his discourses, became a vegetarian and gave up liquor, projected that he was a Brahmin saint from Rome and that the Bible was one of the lost Vedas (Hindu holy scriptures), and generally tried to pass himself as another Hindu sanyasi (saint). He was successful, and many Hindus came to him for spiritual reasons of which many he converted.
4. Blasphemy & Impurity – Another tactic used my Christian is to somehow make the victim impure to their religion in some way. Then the Missionary will convince the victim that they can no longer practice their old faith due to their blasphemy, and therefore they must accept Christianity.

C. Guilt & Accusations – In 1975, Christian Missionaries were unsuccessful in converting the Panare Native Americans of the Colorado Valley. The missionaries had converted the Bible to their native language, but the peaceful and simple tribe could not understand the concepts of sin, guilt, war and plagues. So instead, the missionaries changed the Bible so that instead of the Romans and others, the Panare were responsible for the death of Jesus. One excerpt read:

”The Panare killed Jesus Christ, because they were wicked. Let's kill Jesus Christ, said the Panare. The Panare seized Jesus Christ. The Panare killed in this way. The laid a cross on the ground. They fastened his hands and his feet against the wooden beams, with nails. They raised him straight up, nailed. The man died like that, nailed. Thus the Panare killed Jesus Christ…

God will burn you all, burn all the animals, burn also the earth, the heavens, absolutely everything. He will burn also the Panare themselves. God will exterminate the Panare by throwing them on the fire. It is a huge fire. I am going to hurl the Panare into the fire, said God.”

And the simplistic Panare tribe immediately claimed they loved Jesus, fearing they would be burnt by God. Missionaries seem to go to any extent to convert others, even if it requires gross deception and misrepresentation of their own holy book, the Bible will for the benefit of “winning souls”.

Secret Baptism – Another tactic that is deceptively employed by Missionaries is to “baptize” a victim without their knowledge. Then to reveal that they had been baptized and they must convert to Christianity. Though well-documented, it is little known that the most famous perpetrator was Mother Teresa and her sisters
Miracle Boxes – Missionaries will place "Miracle boxes" are put in local churches: The gullible villager writes out a request - a loan, a pucca house, fees for the son's schooling. A few weeks later, the miracle happens, paid for by Western Christian donations. And the whole family converts believing it is a miracle of Jesus, making others in the village follow suit.

D. Educational Indoctrination

Curriculum Control - The entire education system in Guyana is controlled by that dominant class that promotes Westernized and Christian orientation

E.Medical Care
Intentional Denial of Medicines – In a New Tribes Mission (NTM) mission camp, many of the natives either died from starvation or from diseases transmitted by the missionaries for which they had no immunity against. In one such mission camp in Paraguay, the German anthropologist, Dr. Mark Munzel, reported that food and medicine were deliberately withheld by the missionaries. From a total of 277 natives in April 1972 only 202 survivors were left three months later. A US congressional report confirmed that 49% of the camp population had vanished!

In Bolivia, William Pencille, of the South American Missionary Society, was called in to help when white ranchers moving into the tribal areas came upon the Ayoreos. Pencille persuaded these natives to stop resisting the encroachment of the cattlemen and to settle on a patch of barren land beside a railroad tract. The natives, having no resistance to common diseases of the "modern" man, began to die. Throughout all this Pencille had the means to save the lives of these people. He had access to many modes of transport, including an airplane, and to funds which could easily have been used to buy medicines for them. Yet this is what he said: "It's better they should die. Then I baptize them (on the point of death) and they go straight to heaven."

F– Violence

Divide & Convert (Tahiti) – One of the most efficient way and brutal ways that Missionaries have converted large amounts of people is by dividing and conquering. Missionaries will persuade a leader of a tribe that they will arm him and allow him to defeat a rival tribal if he converts to Christianity. After the conquering and pillaging of the opposing tribe, under the rule of the converted leader, both tribes convert to Christianity. One classical example occurred is the story of how the South Pacific was converted:

In 1797, thirty years after the discovery of Tahiti by Wallis, the first missionaries landed on the island. The missionaries, sent by the London Missionary Society, tried for seven years to convert the natives but were unable to make any headway.

It was then that they discovered, as if by miracle, the proper method of converting the Tahitians. They discovered that the local chief, Pomare, liked alcohol (distilled by the missionaries) so much that he became an alcoholic. Addicted to the distilled spirit (perhaps the "holy" spirit), Pomare agreed to back the missionaries in their work of conversion. Pomare, supplied with western firearms, easily subdued his native opponents. Upon his victory over his rivals, the whole island was forcibly converted in one day.

Then the process of inculcating "Christian virtues" began. Persistent unbelievers, those who refused to be converted, were executed. Singing was banned (except for hymns) and all forms of adornment, flowers or tattoo were disallowed. Of course, surfing and dancing were not permitted as well. The punishment for breaking any of these rules included, among others, being sentenced to hard labor.

Within thirty years of missionary control, the population of Tahiti fell from an initial estimate of 20,000 to 6,000. On another island, Raiatea, a man who was able to forecast the weather by studying the behavior of fish was executed for witchcraft. The missionaries continued this tactic from island to island and managed to convert the whole South Pacific.

Though this method was used centuries ago, it is still a commonly used tactic used by Christian Missionaries in tribal areas of Asia and Africa.

2. Terrorist Organizations (North-East India) – These relatively small armed tribal groups are eventually nurtured by Missionaries into violent and sadistic terrorist groups:

On December 4th, 2000, Christians converts under the direction of Missionaries, desecrated an ashram (Hindu religious retreat). The Christian converts also raped two female devotees and brutally attacked two men who had come to the ashram for puja (religious rituals).

In early October the same Christian fundamentalists had issued a diktat ordering the indigenous tribal Hindus to stay away from Durga Puja celebrations (Hindu Festival) and warned that any tribal members seen taking part in the festival would be instantly killed. In its official public statement, the NLFT said it wanted all tribals in Tripura to become Christians. They also stated that salvation for Tripura lies only in Christianity and would eliminate anyone who dared to come in the way of their plans to forcibly convert all of Tripura to Christianity.

NFLT is still an active and powerful terrorist organization that operates in Northeast India. They have converted many Hindus and tribals forcibly at gunpoint, and are involved in rapes, and assassinations. They continue to receive arms as well as moral and financial support from Western Christian organizations and Missionaries.

3. Manhunts (South America) - Another method, aptly called "manhunt", involves the missionaries going out, sometimes in motorized vehicles, hunting for natives to integrate them into reservations set up for missionary work. The New Tribes Mission (NTM), for instance, went on such a manhunt in Paraguay. Five missionized natives were killed in one such manhunt. Those unconverted natives were taken to the NTM camp in Campo Loro. Within a short while, according to Survival International, all had died of new diseases they had no immunity to. Stung by criticism, the best reply the NTM 's Director in Paraguay could muster was: "We don't go after people anymore. We just provide transport."

In another such "manhunt" in 1979, also in Paraguay, one of the frightened natives fell down from a tree and broke her leg. (Her right breast had already been shot off by a previous encounter with the missionaries.) She was compelled, with her broken leg, to walk back to the mission camp. She subsequently died.

4. Kidnappings - In conjunction with the "manhunt", converted natives are trained by the missionaries to carry guns. The "newly contacted" natives are then rounded off to the mission camp. One American organization, Cultural Survival, reported in 1986 that natives in the NTM camp in Paraguay kidnapped and forced into missionary schools.

5. Forced Captivity – In one such Missionary camp, a witness described the situation of the kidnapped captives:

”I … saw two old ladies lying on some rags on the ground in the last stages of emaciation and clearly on the verge of death. One was unconscious, the second in what was evidently a state of catalepsy...In the second hut lay another woman, also in a desperate condition and with untreated wounds on her legs. A small, naked, tearful boy sat at her side...The three women and the boy had been taken in a recent forest roundup, the third woman having being shot in the side while attempting to escape.”

6. Genocide (Brazil) – There are many accounts of genocide committed by Missionaries but they rarely reported in Christian media because of the perverse nature of the crime and because they are usually committed against remote tribals. One of the most horrific massacres was of Brazilian tribals by the grossly misnamed Indian Protection Service, which Christian Missionaries supported and often assisted in killings.

In just a few years, the following tribes population was reduced due to Missionary genocide:

• Munducurus tribe: reduced from 19,000 to 1,200
• Guaranis tribe: reduced from 5,000 to 200
• Cajaras tribe: from 4,000 to 400
• Cintas Largas: from 10,000 to 500
• Tapaiunas: completely extirpated
• Other tribes were reduced to only a few (one or two!) individuals and some by only a single family.

The Missionaries employed some of the following methods in their killings:

• The Cintas Largas were attacked by dropping dynamites from airplanes.
• The Maxacalis were given alcohol and then shot down when they became drunk.
• The Nhambiquera were killed in huge numbers by machine gun fire.
• Two Patachos tribes were exterminated by giving the unsuspecting Indians smallpox injections.
• Some of the Indians were murdered by presenting them with food laced with arsenic and formicides.
• One missionary persuaded 600 Ticuna Indians that the end of the world is taking place and they will only be safe on a ranch. On that ranch the Indians were made slaves and tortured.
• The Bororos tribe was banned from performing customary religious rites on the dead. Deprived of their cultural identity, the Bororos, instead of converting, committed suicide on by one, until the tribe was extinct.

7. Intentional Denial of Medicines- In another New Tribes Mission (NTM) mission camp, many of the natives either died from starvation or from diseases transmitted by the missionaries for which they had no immunity against. In one such mission camp in Paraguay, the German anthropologist, Dr. Mark Munzel, reported that food and medicine were deliberately withheld by the missionaries. From a total of 277 natives in April 1972 only 202 survivors were left three months later. A US congressional report confirmed that 49% of the camp population had vanished!

In Bolivia, William Pencille, of the South American Missionary Society, was called in to help when white ranchers moving into the tribal areas came upon the Ayoreos. Pencille persuaded these natives to stop resisting the encroachment of the cattlemen and to settle on a patch of barren land beside a railroad tract. The natives, having no resistance to common diseases of the "modern" man, began to die. Throughout all this Pencille had the means to save the lives of these people. He had access to many modes of transport, including an airplane, and to funds which could easily have been used to buy medicines for them. Yet this is what he said: "It's better they should die. Then I baptize them (on the point of death) and they go straight to heaven."

These are some tactics and their missionary history of these wolves in the sheeps clothing - Missionaries..


Junior Member
Christians don't celebrate Jesus' death. Good Friday, which is two days before Easter Sunday, is a day of sadness because it marks the day of his death. Easter Sunday is a day of joy as it marks (in Christian's minds) the day of the resurrection. As for the crap that some missionaries do, some of this is true. My own niece was bullied into going on a mission trip to Afghanistan then Africa for "relief" of the poor. This particular church is so rich that it has huge widescreen TV's inside the sactuary!!! and even a big gift shop!! Not my idea of worship - christian, muslim or otherwise. But, even though they were soooooo rich and asked (and got!) $thousands from the congregation for this trip, my niece had to raise her own money to go ($2,500). She is so young and pure in heart that she was going along with it. My best friend who is Muslim and lived in the middle east for years got on the phone with the Afghan embassy who was very official in English at first. Once he realized that she spoke fluent Arabic, he spoke off the record to her and said that these "missionaries" were not welcome in their country and that there true mission was to convert people to Christianity. My sister got in a shouting match with the minister in charge of the trips who could offer no good explanations (liar!!!) and our family banded together and stopped her from going. She went on to Africa and was very pleased with the people but not so pleased with the missionaries. These were not true Christians or followers of Jesus's words. She has since joined another church. This is the reason I am searching with my faith now ---- Not because of the words taught by Jesus but because of the people who profess to follow him that are all around me. It is very hard for me to decifer what is truth and what was written ABOUT Jesus by other people who believed what they were writing. I could count on my one hand the number of people I know personally who are TRUE Christians or (Muslims for that matter). My best friend, in my estimation, is one and she is the person who first opened my eyes to how beautiful the faith of Islam is. I would like to be one of those few people who are true in heart .... but - still searching.......
Christians don't celebrate Jesus' death. Good Friday, which is two days before Easter Sunday, is a day of sadness because it marks the day of his death. Easter Sunday is a day of joy as it marks (in Christian's minds) the day of the resurrection.

Hello Nighean,

Nice to hear back from you. I hope your surgery went well.

You see, no where in the Bible does it mention celebrating Good Friday, Easter, Easter bunny, Easter eggs, & chocolate!

Did you know the word Easter is derived from an Anglo Saxon goddess (Eostre).

From my personal experience, I have not see any Christian in a state of "sadness" on "Good Friday" or maybe it's just me.

If you believe in "Good" Friday then you must believe in "unlucky" Friday the 13th? You see the superstition in this?

Easter has pagan trappings. It was a time where pagans celebrated their Goddesses. The Roman Catholic Church, seeking to "Christianize" the pagans, gave new names and meanings to the old pagan festivals to keep their unregenerate members happy. Any encyclopedia will confirm this brief synopsis.

I will leave you with a passage from your own Bible:

"Now fear the Lord and serve him with all faithfulness. Throw away the gods your forefathers worshiped beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24:14-15 NIV)

I hope I have not offend you or hurt your feelings. If I did, then please accept my sincere apology.

May Allah swt, The Most High, The Most Merciful, The Most Compassionate, guide you on the right path.


Junior Member
I agree with HumbleOne,

On Friday, one Christians do anything to celebrate good Friday, it doesn't play a big part in snythinG! On one is sad or emotional at all! At Sunday in church, they had a re-enactment of Christ when he was cruxified. They were acting, but it seemed real lol they put the man (Christ) on a cross at the alter to remind people of why they are here or whatever. I didn't like it, I wanted to laugh, but I turned away. What about the Easter Bunny? Where did that come from??? :confused:



Hello Nighean,

Nice to hear back from you. I hope your surgery went well.

You see, no where in the Bible does it mention celebrating Good Friday, Easter, Easter bunny, Easter eggs, & chocolate!

Did you know the word Easter is derived from an Anglo Saxon goddess (Eostre).

From my personal experience, I have not see any Christian in a state of "sadness" on "Good Friday" or maybe it's just me.

If you believe in "Good" Friday then you must believe in "unlucky" Friday the 13th? You see the superstition in this?

Easter has pagan trappings. It was a time where pagans celebrated their Goddesses. The Roman Catholic Church, seeking to "Christianize" the pagans, gave new names and meanings to the old pagan festivals to keep their unregenerate members happy. Any encyclopedia will confirm this brief synopsis.

I will leave you with a passage from your own Bible:

"Now fear the Lord and serve him with all faithfulness. Throw away the gods your forefathers worshiped beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24:14-15 NIV)

I hope I have not offend you or hurt your feelings. If I did, then please accept my sincere apology.

May Allah swt, The Most High, The Most Merciful, The Most Compassionate, guide you on the right path.


Junior Member
You have not hurt my feelings at all!! I'm glad that you replied. If everyone agreed on everything then there would be no reason to have this webpage! It's true that all major Christian holidays are originally from European/Roman pagan rites. Christmas, Easter and even Halloween. What so many muslims don't understand is that there are so many different offshoots of christianity in America that it is crazy. One book but so many paths and beliefs to follow. The early church had a kinda like "if you can't beat em, join em" attitude and incoporated the pagan rituals by just changing the names of those worshiped. I guess that was easier to bring along the masses if they didn't have to really change anything. As for the Easter Bunny and chocolate - I have no clue. I certainly never taught my children any such thing. I think eggs were a Russian pagan practice and the church encoporated them to signify the renewal of life. In the Catholic church there is a custom called the "stations of the cross" held on Good Friday. It is a very solemn, sad service where no words are spoken except by the practioner through quiet prayer. Most catholic churches have these stations all around the sanctuary and each person just goes from station to station praying and reflecting on Jesus' suffering on the way to the cross. I have seen lots of silent tears shed, especially by older women. These people truly believe in what they are doing. You would never see this in a Baptist church EVER. The difference between the Baptist faith and the Catholic faith is probably wider than between Islam and Christianity.
At our house during holidays we have christian/pagan practices such as a Christmas tree which I REALLY am not sure where it came from. I think I have read that perhaps it was a Roman holiday?? Pretty messed up!! Consequently, we tend to look upon this as a secular thing rather than a religous one, done out of tradition and a time for family to gather. Christians or otherwise should celebrate God everyday not just on special holidays. But when we gather, we also have my friend who is Jewish and we respect her beliefs when she lights her candles. My best friend and her children are Muslim which I totally respect and have even prayed with her before.

What I want is a no trapping, no nonsense, no baggage faith. I have been doing a lot of reading, thinking and praying. Thanks for helping me search for the right path!!

Hello Nighean,

I sense sincerity and open mindness in your words. It's a very rare characteristic to find these days.

Thank you for informing me about the "stations of the cross." I hope it's not just a time of sadness for the moment instead of the day as in (Good) Friday.

Islam has quite a few similarities with Christianity but there are also huge differences. The most fundamental difference comes in Muslims worshipping God alone and recognizing Adam, Moses, Job, Jesus, Mohammad, etc may peace and blessings be upon them all, as prophets or messengers of God. They all conveyed the same message: Worship God and God alone (without associating any partners).

Where the Bible agrees with the Quran we accept and believe, where the Bible disagrees with the Quran we reject, where the Bible states something not in the Quran we stay neutral - we neither believe nor disbelieve.

It's awesome that you've experienced Islamic prayer(s). The power of bending down and putting your forehead on the floor before God is an unexplainable feeling.

I truly respect your openness to Islam. Inshallah (God willing) you will find what you are looking for.

FYI - Here is more information about the origins of Christmas:


Junior Member
Thanks for your reply. My biggest question/concern is that modern Christianity teaches that Jesus is the son of God. I read somewhere that Muhammad said that Jesus never said that. This got me to thinking, wondering what it really says in the modern Christian bible. Did others just say this about him or did he say this himself and it was reported by others??? Did he say something about being the "son" that was misinterpreted? I have also read the gnostic books of the early christians that were later burned as heresy by the early Christian church. My mother says that those books were from the devil as they did not believe in Jesus' divinity (that he was the son of God).

Your thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated and I hope that we can become friends.



Hello Nighean,
I hope you are feeling better now after your surgery, inshaAllah.
Here is a book written by a revert brother, Brandon Toropov. I hope this will be an interesting read for you, inshaAllah (God willing). :)
Please dowload the attached file.


  • Beyond_Mere_Christianity.pdf
    502.8 KB · Views: 33
Hello Nighen,

Watch these videos by a well known Islamic scholar Shaykh Khalid Yasin (a revert to Islam) it will inshallah answer your queries and some.





I hope this was beneficial. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions. We have knowledgeable brothers and sisters from all around the world on this forum.


Junior Member
Thanks for the file! I printed off the first two chapters and will read them tonight after work. If I should happen to drop dead or get run over by a bus before I figure out who I am, I hope that everyone will pray for my poor family left behind!!! lol!!

Inshallah (I hope that i used this and spelled it right!)



Junior Member

We had some LDS missionaries come to our door the other day and when they saw me in Hijab, one started begging me to repent, and the other asked why I wore it, when i told him, he said...Islam? whats a Muslim, I've never heard of that...islam? wahts up with that... I tried to explain, but the other tried to come into my house and so i had to shut the door on them...I was raised LDS and reverted just before Ramadan last year, and I was appalled at their persistence to enter my household without permission and how they told me i was a sinner and needed to repent.


Junior Member
well theyre global tactics have worked as theyre the world's largest religious community, 2 bn strong, and they have converted more muslims in the last 80years much more than at any other previous time in history. Theyre making progress in indonesia, africa, asia and slowly penetrating the weaker arab states eg iraq, morroco, syria.


Junior Member
To TheHumbleWun
I really like this guy and would be interested in seeing more videos of his. He says what he means.

Hello Nighean,

Yeah, Khalid Yasin has deep passions about Islam. His voice is strong and powerful. He is actually my little brothers favorite scholar. We have many of his CD collections. I also like Ahmed Deedat and Dr. Zakir Naik.

Here is where you can purchase all of Khalid Yasins DVDs:


Junior Member
Hello nighean

You wrote the following in post #9:

Thanks for your reply. My biggest question/concern is that modern Christianity teaches that Jesus is the son of God. I read somewhere that Muhammad said that Jesus never said that. This got me to thinking, wondering what it really says in the modern Christian bible. Did others just say this about him or did he say this himself and it was reported by others???

I truly believe you have asked one of the most fundamental and essential questions every Christian should ask himself or herself. In effect, you're asking whether the Gospels are a reliable source of information about the sayings and deeds of Jesus [peace be upon him].

I have written a series of responses that will help you answer this question. In my posts, I have quoted Christian sources and mentioned the links to these sources so that any reader could check up on the validity of what I have written.

However, I warn you that my posts are pretty long. But I hope you'll agree with me that knowing the answer to such an important question requires one to exert effort in reading articles and posts [even if they are long].

Please click on the following links. They'll take you to pages 13 and 14 of a thread titled "What would be the main reason to become a muslim?":

Please read all of my posts on the above two links carefully.




Junior Member
THanks Bluegazer!

I am going to read the "Beyond Mere Christianity" that was send to me first but then I will read what you have sent me. I am still a little sleepy from medication I still have to take after my surgery but I try to read some every night. I will let you know tomorrow morning my thoughts on CS Lewis and his book.

Thanks everyone for your replies,


Junior Member
I totally understand, Nighean. I'm glad your surgery is over. I hope everything went well. And of course, you should really get all the rest you need to regain your strength.




Junior Member
Okay, I tried to write a response but I accidentally hit the "enter" key so I don't know where it went. I appologize if it shows up as a duplicate!

I read the first two chapters of "Mere Christianity" late last night. I am a little fuzzy about the "Q" theory and I think I will have to read this maybe a couple of more times before I understand what he is trying to say. My brain hurt last night with trying to take it all in!

Today, I have two questions for anyone listening:
1) Why do reverts to Islam change their Western names for Arabic names? Is this a requirement of Islam? (My name honors my grandfather who passed away when my mother was pregnant with me - I kinda like it).
2) Jesus said that it was not necessary to pray to God for things that we want/need as our Father knows before we even ask. He then went on to say "pray in this wise" and prayed what is referred to in Christian belief as "The Lord's Prayer". (I personally believe that he did not mean for us to recite those exact words to God but was telling us that this is the MANNER in which we should pray.) The reason I am asking this is that I am really in need of help with my health right now and have prayed everyday but not sure if I should be just praising God or begging for help? What does Islam teach? Any and all opinions would be greatly appreciated!
