Do Muslims/Islam reject Darwinism/Evolution/Darwin ?

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Assalaam walaikum,


In a nutshell Darwinism etc. was a socio-political ploy to assign names to the layers of those they wished to oppress. Take the time to do a search on TTI. There have been excellent discussion that provide a sound Islamic perspective.

Happy 2BA Muslim


When we look at the sources of Islam – the Qur’ân and Sunnah – we see that, with respect to human beings living on the Earth today, they are all descendants of Adam and Eve.

Allah also says: “O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honorable of you with Allah is the one who is the most God-fearing.” [Sûrah al-Hujûrât:13]

The Prophet (peace be upon him) identified the "male" mentioned in this verse as being Adam. He said: “Human beings are the children of Adam and Adam was created from Earth. Allah says: ‘O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honorable of you with Allah is the one who is the most God-fearing’.” [Sunan al-Tirmidhî (3270)]

We also see that Allah created Adam directly without the agency of parents.

Allah says: “The similitude of Jesus before Allah is as that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him: ‘Be’ and he was.” [Sûrah Al `Imrân: 59]

We also know that Eve was created from Adam without the agency of parents.

In the Qur’ân, Allah states clearly: “O mankind! Be careful of your duty to your Lord Who created you from a single soul and from it created its mate and from them twain hath spread abroad a multitude of men and women.” [Sûrah al-Nisâ’: 1]

Therefore, the Qur’ân tells us that Adam and his wife were the father and mother of all human beings living on the Earth today. We know about this by way of direct revelation from Allah.

The direct creation of Adam (peace be upon him) can neither be confirmed nor denied by science in any way. This is because the creation of Adam (peace be upon him) was a unique and singular historical event. It is a matter of the Unseen and something that science does not have the power to confirm or deny. As a matter of the Unseen, we believe it because Allah informs us about it. We say the same for the miracles mentioned in the Qur’ân. Miraculous events, by their very nature, do not conform to scientific laws and their occurrence can neither be confirmed nor denied by science.

What about other living things, besides the human beings living on the Earth today? What about plants, animals, fungi, and the like?

When we turn our attention to this question, we find that the Qur’ân and Sunnah do not tell us much about the flora and fauna that was present on the Earth before or at the time of Adam and Eve’s arrived upon it. The sacred texts also do not tell us how long ago Adam and Eve arrived upon the Earth. Therefore, these are things we cannot ascertain from the sacred texts.

The only thing that the Qur’ân and Sunnah require us to believe about the living things on Earth today is that Allah created them in whatever manner He decided to create them.

Allah says: “Allah is the Creator of all things and over all things He has authority.” [Sûrah al-Zumar: 62]

Indeed, Allah states specifically that He created all life forms: “And We made from water all living things.” [Sûrah al-Anbiyâ’: 30]

We know that “Allah does what He pleases.” Allah can create His creatures in any manner that He chooses.

Therefore, with respect to other living things, the Qur’ân and Sunnah neither confirm nor deny the theory of biological evolution or the process referred to as natural selection. The question of evolution remains purely a matter of scientific enquiry. The theory of evolution must stand or fall on its own scientific merits – and that means the physical evidence that either confirms the theory or conflicts with it.

The role of science is only to observe and describe the patterns that Allah places in His creation. If scientific observation shows a pattern in the evolution of species over time that can be described as natural selection, this is not in itself unbelief. It is only unbelief for a person to think that this evolution took place on its own, and not as a creation of Allah. A Muslim who accepts evolution or natural selection as a valid scientific theory must know that the theory is merely an explanation of one of the many observed patterns in Allah’s creation.

As for the fossil remains of bipedal apes and the tools and artifacts associated with those remains, their existence poses no problem for Islamic teachings. There is nothing in the Qur’ân and Sunnah that either affirms or denies that upright, brainy, tool using apes ever existed or evolved from other apelike ancestors. Such animals may very well have existed on Earth before Adam’s arrival upon it. All we can draw from the Qur’ân and Sunnah is that even if those animals once existed, they were not the forefathers of Adam (peace be upon him).

And Allah knows best.




When I think of theory of evolution,the one thing that comes to my mind is that it is one of the ploy of shaytaan to make humans indulge in their basic instincts like animals.As humans have both basic and spritual needs.If the theory were right humans would be merely an animal who can do as he pleases.Which we can see is clearly rubbish.Humans are one the best creations of Allah.We are not just pieces of flesh and bones whose soul aim is to feed and procreate.We are created for a higher purpose that is to worship Allah(swt).

Intrestingly,yesterday I came across this article.It helps in debunking many theories attributed to evolution.Hope you will benifit from it inshaAllah.

Human/Ape Common Ancestry: Following the Evidence
Casey Luskin June 14, 2011 9:01 AM | Permalink

Human/ape common ancestry has been a subject much discussed recently. A friend wrote me asking for links dealing with human/ape common ancestry. While there are numerous good articles that have talked about this issue from an intelligent design (ID) friendly perspective, I tried to provide him with some helpful links and information.

As a preliminary point, it's important to note that human/ape common ancestry is compatible with ID. Nonetheless, ID proponents are interested in taking a scientific approach to these questions, and the evidence suggests that even modest changes requiring two or more mutations before conferring any adaptive benefit could not arise via Darwinian evolution under any reasonable timescale involving human/ape common ancestry. As a result, questions about human/ape common ancestry should be on the table for people who really want to follow the evidence where it leads.

The basic issue is this: Despite the fact that human/ape genetic similarities are often overstated, YES, in many instances it is true that humans and chimps have very high levels of genetic similarity. Does this functional genetic similarity bolster neo-Darwinian evolution and human/ape common ancestry? Not at all. In fact, we could have predicted these similarities without any knowledge of Darwinian evolution simply by observing that humans have similar body plans to apes. If similar morphology implies similar genetics, then we could predict these high levels of similarities without even thinking about considerations pertaining to common ancestry.

But there's another important point to consider: Functional morphological and genetic similarities between humans and apes could be the result of common design just as much as common descent. That's a good principle to keep in mind as you investigate this issue: functional biological similarity is explained by common design just as well as it's explained by common descent. (In fact, in some cases--such as extreme convergent evolution--such similarity is explained much better by common design.)

There are a lot of good articles out there on this topic, but here is a summary of some articles germane to recent debates:

(1) Casey Luskin and Logan Paul Gage, "A Reply to Francis Collins' Darwinian Arguments for Common Ancestry of Apes and Humans," in Intelligent Design 101: Leading Experts Explain the Key Issues, edited by H. Wayne House (Kregel, 2008), provides a rebuttal to many of Collins' arguments for human/ape common ancestry:
a. This article notes that the evidence for human chromosomal fusion simply shows that our human lineage underwent a fusion event and doesn't say anything about whether our lineage shares a common ancestor with apes. For another good article on problems with the telomeric evidence for human chromosomal fusion, see "Guy Walks Into a Bar and Thinks He's a Chimpanzee: The Unbearable Lightness of Chimp-Human Genome Similarity."

b. Collins cites much "junk DNA" as alleged evidence of our shared ancestry with apes, but this DNA turns out to NOT be junk at all.

c. Collins makes weak arguments that a couple mutation in a gene could have produced human cognition--this is an outlandish hypothesis that is easily rebutted.

d. For another recent rebuttal to Collins on the issue of junk DNA and human/ape common ancestry, please see "Francis Collins' Junk DNA Arguments Pushed Into Increasingly Small Gaps in Scientific Knowledge.

e. For background on functions for pseudogenes, see "Et tu, Pseudogenes? Another Type of 'Junk' DNA Betrays Darwinian Predictions".

(2) "Human Origins and Intelligent Design," Progress in Complexity, Information, and Design, Vol. 4.1 (July, 2005).
a. This article reviews the fossil evidence for human/ape common ancestry and finds that it is lacking.

b. There is also a less-technical version of this article here.

(3) "The myth of 1% human-chimp genetic differences"
a. This article asks whether human/chimp genetic similarities are good evidence for common ancestry. As the journal Science has reported, it notes that human/chimp genetic differences are much more than the "1%" genetic difference we typically hear about.

b. This article also notes that human/ape genetic similarities might result from common design rather than common descent.

c. This piece asks what is the metric for demonstrating Darwinian evolution based upon genetic similarity. There doesn't seem to be one, and the argument often appears arbitrary.

d. In fact there are some parts of our genome, such as the human y chromosome, that are radically different from the chimp genome. For details, see: "Recent Genetic Research Shows Chimps More Distant From Humans, Neanderthals Closer."

e. Geneticist Richard Buggs has an excellent article which argues that the degree of similarity between the human and chimp genome might be as low as 70%:
To compare the two [human and chimpanzee] genomes, the first thing we must do is to line up the parts of each genome that are similar. When we do this alignment, we discover that only 2400 million of the human genome's 3164.7 million 'letters' align with the chimpanzee genome - that is, 76% of the human genome. Some scientists have argued that the 24% of the human genome that does not line up with the chimpanzee genome is useless "junk DNA". However, it now seems that this DNA could contain over 600 protein-coding genes, and also code for functional RNA molecules.
Looking closely at the chimpanzee-like 76% of the human genome, we find that to make an exact alignment, we often have to introduce artificial gaps in either the human or the chimp genome. These gaps give another 3% difference. So now we have a 73% similarity between the two genomes.

In the neatly aligned sequences we now find another form of difference, where a single 'letter' is different between the human and chimp genomes. These provide another 1.23% difference between the two genomes. Thus, the percentage difference is now at around 72%.

We also find places where two pieces of human genome align with only one piece of chimp genome, or two pieces of chimp genome align with one piece of human genome. This "copy number variation" causes another 2.7% difference between the two species. Therefore the total similarity of the genomes could be below 70%.

Be sure to also read Dr. Buggs' follow-up article that answers questions and objections about his argument.

(4) "Study Reports a Whopping '23% of Our Genome' Contradicts Standard Human-Ape Evolutionary Phylogeny"
a. This article shows how the genetic data is actually painting a very confusing picture about human common ancestry with apes.

b. The paper reports: "For about 23% of our genome, we share no immediate genetic ancestry with our closest living relative, the chimpanzee."

c. Another article which elaborates on similar problems is at "Primate Phylogenetics Researchers Swinging from Tree to Tree."

d. Likewise, Jonathan M. recently reported that ERV distributions conflict with the standard phylogeny of human/ape relationships.

(5) In the past few years quite a bit has been written on challenges to widely touted "missing links." Rebuttals can be found in articles like:
a. Lucy: "My Pilgrimage to Lucy's Holy Relics Fails to Inspire Faith in Darwinism."

b. Ardi: "The Overselling of Ardipithecus ramidus."

c. Ida: "The Rise and Fall of Missing Link Superstar 'Ida'."

d. Neanderthals: For a discussion of why Neanderthals don't show anything like human/ape common ancestry, please see: "Does Giberson and Collins' Neanderthal Argument Demonstrate 'Common Ancestry'?"



Staff member
Welcome to the Forum,

I thought I would recommend a thread below which examines this:

Firstly, from what you asked, please read from post #49 - #61 regarding this theory. (The link below starts from post #49).

Secondly, I think as a general read the below is good in the same thread, from post #34 - #48.

Finally, I think after you have finished reading the above then it could be beneficial to read from post #62 regarding connecting one's heart in belief that He (Allah) is the One and Only Creator worthy of worship. However I don't want to overload you with information considering what has already been posted. Therefore check it after you are satisfied reading the replies above and links above about Darwinism.


Junior Member
Complex, I'm not sure if you made a mistake or if these are your true beliefs but could you please correct me if I'm wrong but are you saying that you ARE a Muslim and that you DO believe in evolution?


Assalaam walaikum,

In reading Brother Ditta's response we need to reflect on the word evolution. In the denotation it is understood to be the scientifically defined meaning of evolution. This means science has set parameters for the outcome. It becomes an either/or choice. Everything else seems to be a mutation.

If we contemplate the Attributes of Allah, we gain understanding that He has the Exclusive Rights on Creation. He Wills and It Is. And we get to bask in its glory.


Junior Member
Complex, I'm not sure if you made a mistake or if these are your true beliefs but could you please correct me if I'm wrong but are you saying that you ARE a Muslim and that you DO believe in evolution?

Evolution is scientific fact. it is proved again and again. i cant deny it, i am student of Science and i believe that it works. after great struggle , i managed to make a balance between my beliefs and theory of evolution. i posted a link in my previous reply but some one deleted my reply, i guess this web site is not open for discussion but only for a specific group to speak their minds. it is like dictatorship as in Iran and Saudi Arabia. why to delete??? let' s discuss if you think you are right, convince me ??? had Rasullullah done this??? no he would have discussed. i find it extremely annoying. this is turn to islam and is meant to clarify the doubts and make discussions not deleting their replies. i feel bad


Junior Member
Science should reject Darwinism due to a fatal flaw.

Evolution is the belief that animals change to fit their changing environment or they die. So think about it, when a species evolves whichever ones did not change will die off. If this is true, why are there apes? If the lower primates had to evolve to humans or die, why do we still have both species living? If they didn't need to evolve then the most intelligent species would be apes and there would not be tool-welding humans.


Smile for Allah
Science should reject Darwinism due to a fatal flaw.

Evolution is the belief that animals change to fit their changing environment or they die. So think about it, when a species evolves whichever ones did not change will die off. If this is true, why are there apes? If the lower primates had to evolve to humans or die, why do we still have both species living? If they didn't need to evolve then the most intelligent species would be apes and there would not be tool-welding humans.


This makes a lot of sense.

There used to be a lot of evolution theories in history, most of them heavily flawed. My favourite theory was the one where a scientist believed that if you put a dirty shirt and some wheat grains in a closed room for 21 days, the process gives birth to mice and rats. :lol:


Junior Member
Evolution is scientific fact. it is proved again and again. i cant deny it, i am student of Science and i believe that it works. after great struggle , i managed to make a balance between my beliefs and theory of evolution. i posted a link in my previous reply but some one deleted my reply, i guess this web site is not open for discussion but only for a specific group to speak their minds. it is like dictatorship as in Iran and Saudi Arabia. why to delete??? let' s discuss if you think you are right, convince me ??? had Rasullullah done this??? no he would have discussed. i find it extremely annoying. this is turn to islam and is meant to clarify the doubts and make discussions not deleting their replies. i feel bad


Complex, I'm sorry that you feel as if this is a dictatorship but the reason your link was removed was because the link was from a deviant sect of Islam and as such, should not be entertained and promoted as truth...ESPECIALLY to someone who not only knows very little about Islam but has a disability. Right now he has a hundred questions running through his mind and patience and brevity are needed with him.

As for me, I am a non-Muslim and *I* was the one who brought it to the attention to the Moderators so that they could double check the information for me. There is alot I do not know but I saw the words "Imam" and Shi'ah and Shi'te <I don't recall the correct spelling> put together and I grew concerned. I ask you, if I can feel concern that the information is distorted, what does that tell you? I trust BrotherInIslam7 implicitly when it comes to knowledge of Islam so I sent it to him. If you have a problem with that, then I suggest you discuss the links merits with him.

For myself, I too believe in evolution.....BUT!

I feel that God used science to create humans. Sister Tabassum07, that was hysterical!! Unfortunately, its slightly off. The process of evolution takes millenia but it can be seen now. Super-Bugs. Bacteria and virii show us how simple organisms adapt to change and they do that within our lifetime so they are easy to study. But the "big bang" theroy....well, SOMETHING had to start the process! God did. My personal opinion is that he allowed evolution to happen and built everything up from scratch....including the scratch! lol! Its not something I really think too heavily about since the permutations are endless. That's why he's God and I'm not....its far too complex to think about.


Assalaam walaikum,

Although, BrotherinIslam is not forget he is not an imam or a scholar.
He has areas which he knows he is lacking. He does not have complete knowledge on Islam.

He edited a post of mine on charity. Insha'Allah I will be given an opportunity to defend my point of view. He has no authority to decide for me. According to him Muslims can not give to Goodwill, the Salvation Army,..and I gently remind him be careful brother...

Brother....why are you having discussion with a non-Muslim married female who has told us she will not convert to Islam...
why not send her the way of the sisters or cease discussions with her. I fear this is not good.


what's going on this thread I dont know

we dumb people , why are we after some weird theory, wasting our time in worthless topics, and it is, because we can easily understand where the discussion is going, la haula wa la quwwata illa bi-llah

how can a muslim even think : while Allah subhanahuwa ta'la has told us: we are ashraful makhlukat , but we want to go with a weird theory , human evolves from monkey, astaghfirAllah. do we care even what we say?

Allah subhanahu wa ta'la saying in the Quran: we are the best of the creation, and we go with a dead man's weird theory, who is non muslim, what happened to us.

naudhubi-llah, with what we gonna go , with what Allah has said or what the dead man said?

yes, we Muslim do believe in evolution, but for a long beaked bird to short beaked bir etc these type of evolution. but of course not, that we came from monkey/apes, astaghfirAllah.

Allah subhanahu wa ta'la has created us with finest quality to acknowledge Him and to worship Him only, and as we don't take Him as our God to worship,or carelessly, Allah has made us 'slave of monkey', as we don't want to be the slave of Allah, we either became the slave of our nafs of monkey/dogs/ or some dead scientists.

Allahu a'lam
wassalamu 'alaikum

sister herb

Official TTI Chef

In science we have theories.

In Quran we have truth.

We can find from the Quran many matters what science have found and still find and haven't found yet but they have been written in Quran already.






Junior Member
Assalamu Alaikum:

Being a Muslim I do not adhere to theory of evolution. But some Hadiths mention height of Adam(Pbuh) as 60-cubit and His survival lasted for 900 years.

And now present height and life span of human beings hint towards evolution?.



Junior Member
Assalamu Alaikum:

Being a Muslim I do not adhere to theory of evolution. But some Hadiths mention height of Adam(Pbuh) as 60-cubit and His survival lasted for 900 years.

And now present height and life span of human beings hint towards evolution?.


We are far more distant to the perfect that Adam experienced at the start of mankind. As we have seen with the Bible and also with the simple facts when you copy things from a gets diluted and less like the original. Things change...sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worst and sometimes out of existence. But, as I said earlier, it is just my own opinion...nothing more.
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