Recent content by _AbdulAziz_

  1. _AbdulAziz_

    bash me!

    :salam2: Since putting some verses or hadith's was your first option, do it next time instead of saying the "sincere" & "from the heart" things that you said to me :D Don't listen to an idiot (oops) who comes to a puplic forum and tell people to bash him (Already forgotten it :D) Because it'll...
  2. _AbdulAziz_

    bash me!

    I will check it out, though I now know what I've been missing. Jazaka Allahu khairan, brother :)
  3. _AbdulAziz_

    bash me!

    :salam2: Thank you - Albint_Almuslima - for the big effort you put in... bashing me :SMILY309: lol I know that you wanted to help. I appreciate it, sister. Salam,
  4. _AbdulAziz_

    bash me!

    :salam2: I was too stupid to see that what I needed was the word of Allah, not some stupid insults. They added absolutly nothing! And only showed how stupid a person can be! I shouldn't be considering them again... stupid me! Thank you everyone for your help :)
  5. _AbdulAziz_

    bash me!

    I feel like I was unconscious and that just woke me up
  6. _AbdulAziz_

    Baby Abdullah

    Congratulations! :salam2: Wonderful news, brother! May Allah bless you and your son and help you raise him to be a righteous member of this ummah. Kiss his forehead for me! Salam,
  7. _AbdulAziz_

    bash me!

    Jazaki Allahu khairan sister, I agree :) The thing is I'm not feeling like I've done something wrong. I want to catch that feeling
  8. _AbdulAziz_

    bash me!

    lol I was talking to brother Salem9022 yours were much easier to swallow..xD
  9. _AbdulAziz_

    bash me!

    Brother thats overkill! I just want to feel bad thats all!
  10. _AbdulAziz_

    bash me!

    :salam2: I'm having a blip in my iman at the moment. :astag: I'm a lonely man and I don't have enough commited muslims around me to make me feel bad when I should be, so just BASH ME! Make me feel terrible :mad: Be as creative as you can be. Let your parents be proud of you. I want to...
  11. _AbdulAziz_

    just wanted to know

    Katambayi, you're welcome :) You can find an introductory video on Islam here: And an introductory book can be found here: There alot of other materials in this site so feel free to...
  12. _AbdulAziz_

    just wanted to know

    My understanding of your question is this: "What will happen to pure & righteous women in the hereafter?" If you mean something else by your question, let me know. The answer can be found in this verse: "If any do deeds of righteousness,- be they male or female - and have faith, they will...
  13. _AbdulAziz_

    My Goals - Inshaallah.

    :salam2: The short version: The main goal is to be the prophet's :saw: companion in paradise (insha' Allah) I intend use all the resources that Allah (subhanah wa ta'ala) has given me in this life to help the ummah. It will be difficult but I'm learning something new everyday and with the...
  14. _AbdulAziz_

    just wanted to know

    Regarding the virign Mary (Marium) peace be upon her, muslims consider her to be one of the most pious & righteous women who have ever lived on earth. 3:42 "And when the angels said: O Marium! surely Allah has chosen you and purified you and chosen you above the women of of the world." We...
  15. _AbdulAziz_

    *Lifetime Wisdom*

    :salam2: jazakum Allahu khairan for passing :SMILY259: May Allah forgive all our sins & grant us Firdous, Amin