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  • assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh ..sister in islam..
    Eid Mubarak, Taqabal Allaahu Minna wa Minkum !!
    Asalamu alaykum

    *** Eid Mubarak to you, sister ***

    Insha’Allah may it be a great Eid filled with health, happiness and prosperity for you and your family and for all the Muslims (Ameen)

    Wa alaykumu salam wa rehmatullah wa barakatuhu
    LOL, for a minute or two i was like :eek: *LOL, not "gah" :D hsahahahahhahahahahahahhahha* Damn! Let me quickly say good bye to everyone LOL :D

    Oh cool, Aameen to your duaa wa iyyaki :)

    I lvoe you morer for HIS sake ;)

    Wasslaam :)
    Assalamu Alaikum wr wb dear qalbi (hey learned that new Arabic word) YAAAY!:D:D:D:D:D
    Eid Mubarak:D:D:D:D
    YES! I am well Alhamdulillah by the GRACE n mercy of Allah ta'ala:D:D:D
    aaww no no blame on nobody dear sis...:D I said that as a joke....:D
    I knw you're a busy gurl, and I wud rather say "salaam" then sit here and see ur name which a rarely see. I miss you and wen I see u after few days it's like "OMA! my beautiful sis is HERE" :D:D:D:D
    so i rush to say salaam:D and as long as I see u around, I wont blame u for not replyin or anythin coz all that matters is that u r fine and ur presence here proofs so :D:D:D:D
    so dont worry ukhti:D
    ameen to ur beatiful dua, I ask Allah the same for u. ameen
    uhubuki filAllah!
    mwaaaahss n huggies:D:D:D:D

    Long time, you ok? :D
    Miss you ukhtii :(

    Mods are not allowed to keep in touch with users? :S :S

    Tc uhibbuk
    Wassalam :)
    Salam sister! How are you?

    Just giving random greetings!

    May Allah bless u and love you fee sabeel illah!
    salamu Alaikum sweet sis:D
    mwahs n huggies:D
    long time no salaam:( who shud I blame u or I???
    or maybe both huh huh huh ahaha
    kiddin sis, I am gettin bit hyper coz iam soon gunna have iftaar!:D:D:D:D:D
    oh YEAAAAAAAA!!!:D
    so I am talkin alot lol...i mean writting alot. I got no energy to talk alot ahahaha, silly me :D
    anyways, hw r u doing? hw is everythin goin for u dear sis?
    As-salaamu Alaikum ya ukhtil kareem- hope you're in the best of health and Iman insha'allah.....take care
    Assalamu alykum
    Thanks for the sound advice on that thread about "wierd muslims". It helped.
    May Allah raise you
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