assalamu alaikum sis
lol..... by ur username lol I thot u was a brotha... then I was like go check the profile out anyways and tadaaaaaaaaa u is a sister
which means I can bug u BIG TIME ahahahaa
thot i wud drop by and be ur friend n aaam get to knw u
i am fine sis alhadulillah...
i hope your fine too..
well , sis thank you so much, may allah bless you...
pray for my family sister, as my family is suffering through so many problems...
thank you brother Abdalilah for the link I think it is the duty of eash muslem to learn and practise Islam as our prophet salla Allah alaihi wa sallam taught ...then falsehood will be exposed auotomaticlly : it is our weakness that make such people dare to talk . astagfuru Allah
Asalamu alaikim sister ;
Yes i am a sister : I like the following hadith that is why i am a stranger.
'Abdullah bin 'Umar said, "Allah's Apostle took hold of my shoulder and said,:Be in this world as if you were a stranger or a traveler.