Recent content by Abdelali

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    Apprenez à dire non !

    Salam Alykom, le sujet abordé est très interessant, baraka Allah fiki.
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    Comment les inventeurs musulmans ont changé le monde

    Du café aux chèques et au repas de trois-cours, le monde musulman nous a donné beaucoup d'innovations que nous prenons en accord dans la vie quotidienne. Pendant qu'une nouvelle exposition s'ouvre, Paul Vallely nomme 20 du plus influent et identifie les hommes du génie derrière eux. je vous...
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    salaam alaikoum

    salam Alykom, Tu es la bienvenue parmi nous, j'espère que tu trouveras de bonnes choses dans ce forum.
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    Salam from Paris

    salam, Abdelali = Abd + Alali Abd = a servant Alali = a name of Allah in arabic : عبد العلي
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    Salam from Paris

    salam Alykom, Yes that true alhamdolillah, there are some girls in my university with their hijab, and theiy haven't problems with it. salam
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    Salam from Paris

    Salam, Thank you Shaz for your question. and the answer is : no, alhamdolillah it'isnt hard to pratice islam in france, there are some exceptions of course, but generaly we haven't problems, the number of place of praying is in increasing alhamdolillah and the number of muslim too. Salam
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    Salam from Paris

    Thank you!
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    a girl from Brazil

    waalykom salam wa rahmato Allah, You're Welcome sister. We are glad too that you are between us. baraka allah fiki
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    Salam from Paris

    Salam Alykom, I'm Abdelali from paris, I'm very happy to partcipate with you in this forum. baraka Allah fikom