Recent content by abou hafs

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    Does the Quran have contradictions?

    assalam allaikum my sister in islam,thanks so much for your nice question and comment,actually,as muslims we must believe that all what has been revealed to us from Allah swt and his prophet mohammed peace be upon him is the truth,even if we didn't understand things sometimes,as abou ishak al...
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    asalam allaikum brothers and sister in islam

    salam i'm a new brother from morocco who is carrying studies master studies at university in the field of theoritical linguistics and also a student at quranic school i hope to join you and be brother in islam i like this website so much mash'Allah.
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    President of fatwa in AlAzhar University(WAHABIYYA)

    about azhar university i agree with you akhy actually as sheikh abu ishak al howayny hafidahu Allah said that isn't still a pride to be among the scholars of al azhar nowday i know there are still good scholars in azhar but they are very few and they have some misleading fatwas in terms of some...
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    The loneliness of converts

    unfortunately most of muslims are clung to cultures more than pure islamic concepts Assalam allaikum actually this actually unfortunately does exist i know so many "muslim" immigrants in the west i put this between two brackets because the majority of those are muslims only by...
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    Video Angela Colins Fox News - Muslim After September 11 9/11

    may Allah strengthens you my sister in islam In the name of Allah most gracious and merciful and may peace and blessing be upon our prophet mohamed peace be up on him then actually what sister angella was a very couragious step towards islam and may Allah reward you sister sister and make you a...