Recent content by Abu hunaiff

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    can i recite "bismillah" before surah 9 (tawbah)

    assalaamu alaykum I dont want to go into details but if u study the books of Hadeeth you will realise that 'Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem' is considered as part of sooratil Faatihah, actually it is the first aayah or verse of the said chapter. The sahaabah only used 'bismillah' to indicate the...
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    What does 786 mean?

    assalaamu alaykum The bottom line is the Qur'aan is Divine. It is the impeccable Word of Allah with no similitude whatsoever hence the challenge to anyone to produce something like it and todate not the jinn nor mankind has comeup with something, nay even a verse that can compare with the...
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    Did Prophet Muhammad(SAW) say this?

    assalaamu alaykum According to the Hadeeth it is Allaah who cursed the 3 classes of people through the agency of Jibraa'eel A.S. The Prophet S.A.W. was only made to acknowledge by saying AMEEN, which means 'so be it'. Ahsantum
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    Assalaamu 'aleikum warahmatullah wabarakaatuh

    Shukran bro! Inshallah i am looking forward to contributing in my own small way
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    Assalaamu 'aleikum warahmatullah wabarakaatuh

    Shukran bro Allah bless and guide u too!
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    Assalaamu 'aleikum warahmatullah wabarakaatuh

    Shukran bro Mimi mtu wa kenya coast na wewe?
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    Assalaamu 'aleikum warahmatullah wabarakaatuh

    I am abu hunaiff from kenya, east africa. I am a researcher on Islaamic issues and a daa'ee. It is really an honour to be a part of this noble family and i pray to Allaah to grant us the ability to contribute in reviving His Deen. May Allah also bless those who participated in making this site a...