Recent content by al-malibari

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    Possible - Qume Aad found in Saudi Arabia in Hefrel Baaten Area

    Its fake , Please remove the attachment. It is circulated by many people under different names. It was made by atheists to check how gullible people are ......
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    An open way of learning to follow the path of the most righteous.

    Ali radiallahuanhu has died , so has the prophet salallahualaihiwassalam. The dead are not like the living. The dead cannot help even themselves. Do not bring filmsy arguments to pray to other than Allah. Praying to the dead and seeking their help is the essence of shirk . The Qura'n is...
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    An open way of learning to follow the path of the most righteous.

    salaamualaikum Dear Brother , Praying to other than Allah is worshipping them . this includes direct prayers and seeking intercession with Allah. Like "Ya Ali Madad" , this is shirk with Allah . There are many more hadith about what to follow , so many major sunni scholars where from Ahlul Bayt.
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    Seeking to revert to Islam

    Walaikumussalam Wa rahmatullah . Inshallah this from Islam QA will help, Its between you and your creator , you don't need any witnesses inshallah.