Salaamalaykum respected sister alf2,
I hope you and your family are doing well Alhamdulillah.
It is wonderful that you liked the link to quranflash(dot)com. Glad tidings to the ones who like reciting the Quran !
Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-As (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "The one who was devoted to the the Qur'an will be told on the Day of Resurrection: `Recite and ascend (in ranks) as you used to recite when you were in the world. Your rank will be at the last Ayah you recite.''[Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi]
Ibn Masud (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Whoever recites a letter from the Book of Allah, he will be credited with a good deed, and a good deed gets a ten-fold reward. I do not say that Alif-Lam-Mim is one letter, but Alif is a letter, Lam is a letter and Mim is a letter.''[At-Tirmidhi]