amyaishazouaoui Nov 28, 2013 Slowly finding my iman again..... its a tough uphill struggle on my own. Alhamdulillah
M M Muhammad_A Mar 2, 2009 As salaamu alaykum SIs Hope everything's fine and dandy with you and yours Stay strong and trust in Allah (subhana wa ta'ala)
As salaamu alaykum SIs Hope everything's fine and dandy with you and yours Stay strong and trust in Allah (subhana wa ta'ala)
RabiALLAH Feb 5, 2009 Dear sister Aisha, salam aleikukm i hope this find you all in best health and eman, i do not know , but you make my laughing and i like reading your post, i find you A bit different than others, what do you think?? stay fine, and happy inshaAllah
Dear sister Aisha, salam aleikukm i hope this find you all in best health and eman, i do not know , but you make my laughing and i like reading your post, i find you A bit different than others, what do you think?? stay fine, and happy inshaAllah