Recent content by Aqeedah20

  1. Aqeedah20


    :salam2: That was a very beautiful video, mashallah!! Allah took my mothers soul five years ago, I really miss her. Let your mother know how much you love her before its too late, I told my mother I loved her a day before she died, and it was the last time I was ever going to speak to her...
  2. Aqeedah20

    HALLOWEEN: Recommended Viewing

    :salam2: Very informative article indeed! Its a shame the they brainwash these kids into celebrating such a evil holiday, :astag: The kids dont even knock on my door, because they know I dont celebrate it!! Its really a sad thing, that they think this is ok, May Allah save us, Ameen!!
  3. Aqeedah20

    Miracle of the Prophet and his eethar...

    Assalamu Alaikum, Very inspiring article,:ma: may we all learn something from this inshallah, jazakallahu Khairan:hijabi:
  4. Aqeedah20

    Signs of Allah in Our Tongues

    :salam2: :ma: so true and so beautiful. May Allah help us to use our tongue in the right manner,AMEEN!!
  5. Aqeedah20

    Ramadan Greetings

    Assalamu alaikum, Ramadan Mubarak to all!! May we all reap the benefits of this blessed month inshallah. Jazakallahu Khairan for your greetings, love you all for Allah!!:)
  6. Aqeedah20

    Are You Still Complaining?

    Assalamu Alaikum, My heart saddens when I see people suffering like this. We do complaing about the little things, and not thankful for what we have. You have to look at the person below you and really appreciate what you have, because you would not have it if not for Allah. The less you have...
  7. Aqeedah20

    A Journey into the Mosque of The Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) Supported By Photos

    Assalamu Alaikum, Very beautiful pictures, mashallah!! Inshallah would like to be there for real!! Jazakallahu Khairan for sharing!!
  8. Aqeedah20

    Video Muslim Prayer - No Excuse to Miss it

    Assalamu Alaikum, Very nice video, mashallah. I saved it and I am going to send it to all my contacts, inshallah!! the whole earth is spacious, Subhanallah!! beautiful images of prayer!!
  9. Aqeedah20

    something funny

    Assalamu Alaikum, Very funny, lol!!:biggrin: :biggrin: :bananabb2in:
  10. Aqeedah20

    Salamu Alaikum

    Assalamu Alaikum, Welcome to the forum, I pray that it increases you in knowledge of this beautiful way of life!:)
  11. Aqeedah20

    Some Mistakes made while Fasting

    :salam2: Let us all remember these, before this blesses month comes inshallah. Sometimes we do not realize that some of the things that we are doing are wrong, :jazaak: for this reminder and may we reap the benifits of this blessed month(Allah willing).:wasalam:
  12. Aqeedah20

    Fasting in Sha’baan

    Assalamu Alaikum, Very informative post, mashallah, something we can all learn form inshallah. :jazaak: for sharing.
  13. Aqeedah20

    i am happy!

    Assalamu Alaikum, Welcome to the site, enjoy your stay inshallah.:)
  14. Aqeedah20


    Assalamu alaikum, Cancel the olives one, got confused with the order of the posts, :confused: Tomatoes...
  15. Aqeedah20


    Assalamu Alaikum, Olives, not crazy about them though,:frown: