Recent content by bahjeh123

  1. B

    This question is harrasing me. please help

    Salaam, When we look at the life of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw), we know that he would never committ an act that is against Allah (swt). Remember that Muhammad (saw) is "Habib Alla" or the beloved of Allah; and comitting adultury, or illegal sexual intercourse, is forbidden NOT JUST BY...
  2. B

    Assalamu Aleykum Sisters

    As salaam wa alakium my dear lovely sister, Your post was very heart warming, and may Allah continue to show you the straight path. And may He, subhana wa ta'ala, always shine his noor(light) above you. If you need anything, please do not hesitate to contact me =] Salaam Bahjeh
  3. B

    Question for the sisters about hijab

    as salaam wa alakium wa rahmatullahi wa barikato Sister, When wearing the Hijaab, heat shouldn't be your worry. That is what an abaya, or Jilbab is for (A long garment) which keep you cool throughout the summer and warm throughout the winter. SubhanAllah,Allah gives us such a mercy for the...