Recent content by BigAk

  1. B

    Why is Martin Luther King more celebrated than Malcolm X ?

    A link to vote on the matter:
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    Why is Martin Luther King more celebrated than Malcolm X ?

    Found the following interesting:
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    Is Jesus God?

    This is very useful --->
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    Is Jesus God?

    None of the books in the New Testament existed during the life of Jesus (pbu). Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were all written within 35 to 85 years after the departure of Jesus. Mark was written first. then Matthew and Luke used Mark as a reference to write their gospals. Then John wrote...
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    Something I've been thinking about

    The statement "God exists" could not apply to God. That's because when we say something exists, this means that this something is "contained" within the created universe, and this notion makes God "created" which runs contrary to the very definition of God. Since God is the creator of this...
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    Something I've been thinking about

    When an athiest says "you can't prove the existence of God", the athiest has already skipped a very important preceding question; and that is "What does he mean when he says 'God'?"... Does he mean of God as that someone who one day rolled up his sleeves and huffed and puffed and created the...
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    I find this a little disturbing

    Good post....
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    I find this a little disturbing

    I have to say that I support Imam Suhaib's approach to reach the youth. It is very crucial to gain the youth and the potential reverts. Why should it matter what approach is used as long as it doesn't go against all Islamic principles?? I listened to Imam Suhaib, and I think his method is...
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    Hello, I'm new here...

    No need to be stuck between Christianity and Islam ... Just follow Jesus (PBU).. Jesus himself prophacised about the coming of Muhammad (PBU).. Watch this --->
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    Question for Dr. Bart Ehrman

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    Did the Muslim Arabs commit wrong-doing in Sudan?

    Salam Alaikum, As I watch the following video, I can't help but wonder why these Christians are harboring such ill feelings towards the Muslim Arabs. I don't know all the history and I'm hoping that someone would enlighten me on this. I do realize there was a war but don't know much...
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    Need help answering christian brother in law

    Now where did you get this little piece of information??? It is not from Quran nor is it from Hadith. Therefore, it is better not to spread it around. .
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    A look at the King James Version in all its iterations

    A look at the King James Version in all its iterations Published Thu, Nov 25, 2010 02:00 AM Modified Thu, Nov 25, 2010 06:38 AM BY JOHN MURAWSKI - Staff Writer It is the most oft-cited and revered English-language Bible, yet few of its admirers can claim to have read this...
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    Myriam Francois-Cerrah

    Truly... Ms. Cerrah was an actress. She played little Margaret Dashwood in Sense & Sensiblity 1995) converted about 6 years ago!! subhanAllah. It's amazing to me how; despite all the negative & false publicity of the image of women in Islam, you still find the majority of converts are women...
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    Aboriginal Australian Muslims