Recent content by BrotherZak

  1. BrotherZak

    Egypt to face its first Tunisian-inspired protests

    Hosni Mubarak will not leave unless the protesters storm the palace gates. The time for peaceful protest have ended. This man is not rational, he is but an arrogrant, crazyed, 82 year old senile sick and twisted man. If the people wait till september, he is going to do everything he can to...
  2. BrotherZak

    My attempt at an Abdul Basit impression

    salam hope everyone is in good health....enjoy ive been listening to abdul basit and i had time on my hand so i decided to see if i can try a bit of his god giving blessing in his recitation style.
  3. BrotherZak

    Were the Imams actually Shia in doctrine>

    I have a question that i've been thinking about and rarely do i find any discussions on this. We know at least that 11 of these Imams lived, taught, raised families yet where they actually Shia's or did they become figures of shia doctrine much later on? But on wikipedia it says that...
  4. BrotherZak

    My favourite and most convincing Quranic Scientifc Miracle

    Salam alakum bump it for all those who did not see it
  5. BrotherZak

    lesson i noticed from the story of Joseph

    salam bumping to the top
  6. BrotherZak

    Media indictrination

    Salam Alakum I think Noam Chomsky summed it up really well.. "Its not the case that as the naive might think that indoctrination is inconsistent with democracy, but rather it is the essence of it. When you can't control people by force and when their voices can be heard, it may make them...
  7. BrotherZak

    Rapper LOON embraces ISLAM!!!

    +1000000000 I've been seeing loads of People become Muslim lately, but sadly, that may only mean that many born-Muslim are being replaced
  8. BrotherZak

    Rapper LOON embraces ISLAM!!!
  9. BrotherZak

    the belief in Destiny

    His pre-existing knowledge does not force us to do certain things. His knowledge does not interfere with our choice. If i want to drive my car to work or instead just walk, i make the conscious choice; Allah's knowledge does not interfere in this choice.We are only judged remember by what we...
  10. BrotherZak

    Can I talk to Allah SWT about anything?

    cemophora please desist from the intellectual persona you come upon this forum as many Atheist seem to do, because you're entire premise of subjecting a scientific study on the effectiveness of prayer is absurd. Here is why? ISLAMICALLY We believe that Allah answers all prayers, some in this...
  11. BrotherZak

    I cannot bilive this

    i wasn't referring to him, it was just a general statement i was making. I'm not even sure what happened to him or why he was banned.Did he change his view?
  12. BrotherZak

    I cannot bilive this

    The problem is that diverse opinions are not allowed. Now i do not know exactly what happened with that brother but critical thought and discussion seems to be lacking among Muslim. Islam has many things that are explicit and clear but certain issues have different interpretations and folds of...
  13. BrotherZak

    Avoding Formalistic understanding of Islam

    Muslim often argue about the ways animals are slaughtered and the surrounding method, but rarely are concerned with the way animals are treated before they are slaughtered. Prophet Mohammed cared for the Animals but since the only follow formalistic text that mention the rites and rights the...
  14. BrotherZak

    Essence of Islam Expressed

    Essence of Islam beautifully Expressed "when,in accordance with the first pillar of his religion, the Muslim makes the confession of faith he attaches himself to the essential and puts aside all that is in appearance-other-than- God, and he acknowledges the truth brought by the messengers...
  15. BrotherZak

    Why is that I feel lost???Why is that I do not wish anyting???

    Salam Here is a good page you can visit : to have questions such as these answered in a thoughful and convincing ways. But know that the deen is simple and sometimes overthinking why we were created besides the...