Recent content by Cairo Way

  1. C

    5 things with Same Letter, Beko's game

    answers for E so, Eritrea, Edinburgh, Elephant and Eggnog? (drank in the US at xmas I believe) :wasalam:
  2. C

    5 things with Same Letter, Beko's game

    Assalamu alaikum Sorry to butt in.. Isn't Edinburgh the capital of Scotland? :wasalam:
  3. C

    Gimme 5..., Ask for 5 things ...

    5 things Assalamu alaikum Angels Books Prophets Qadar Day of Judgement Is that what you were after?? Name 5 of the the Sahabah...(r a )
  4. C

    Quick intro

    Assalamu alaikum Thanks for the welcomes. inshAllah we will all share and learn.. :wasalam:
  5. C

    Quick intro

    Assalamu alaikum wr wb I have just joined as a member so thought I would introduce myself. I am a convert of 6 years alhamdulillah. Was 20 years old when I converted and it was through reading, talking, discussing etc No fireworks in my story! Alhamdulillah have experienced some over the years...