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  • urrrrrm i hvae no idea WHY im so happy LOL :D craZzzii huh? :p well thats just me :p hehe ;)

    Awww blessya! ur happy coz i am too mashaALlah ;)

    thats the sisterhood ;) :D:D:D:D

    what u upto? im eating choxolate *yum* LOl :D
    Alhumdulillah things are going like fantastci!

    feeling really happy today Alhumdulillah :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

    So so wassup?

    hows ur day been? :)
    As-salaamu'alaykum habibti!

    my little cartoon character :p main! how ARE you today? :)

    much lurrrrv
    x x x

    Wassalaam :D
    LOL mashaAllah! :D

    u look like it no no no im sure u dont have those kinda eyes :p but its so cute mashaALlah! :D

    mario? na sorry lol

    sis how old are you :p hahah!

    Love u always x x x

    Wassalaam :D
    As-salaamu'alaykum :D

    Sis your avatar reminds of some cartoons i used to watch time back LOL :D
    Pokemon ;) those days

    tc and wassalaam :)
    Salam Alekum sister
    Jazaki Allah Khair 4 the wonderful eid card and wondert message.. Wish u the same too InshAllah... Eid Mubarak 2 u and ur family :)
    take care
    Teşekkürler =)
    öyleoldu..bayadır gıremedım buraya..
    yogunluklar..karısık meseleler derken..bugun cok ozledıgımı farkttım ve bı ugrayayım dedım =)
    ramazan atnosferini bir de TTI da tatmak için =)
    bu arada nasılsın=)

    May Allah swt be with you every step that you take,
    May HE guide you with each decision you make,
    May HE help you when life gets rough,
    May HE lift you when you've had enough,
    May HE protect you when you fall,
    May HE hear you when you call,
    May all your duas be accepted,
    May you always be in Allah swt's loving hands.

    Ramadan Mubarak
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