Recent content by Erik

  1. E

    Fighting with myself

    Family should always come first and in a family first come the child or children. do what is best for the children. Then talk to your family, speak your anger controlled, let open whats in your mind and heart. Forgive when winning a point, love always your family, Hugg and kiss your mother...
  2. E

    If We Get Given Wives In Jannah

    True we should never judge before we know, bad of me to assume anything
  3. E

    If We Get Given Wives In Jannah

    Funny or not, maybe Im wrong but to me that says , question asked is not sincere with that. Wasalam. /Erik
  4. E

    If We Get Given Wives In Jannah

    Why do we muslims even answers to this? this person has an end tag saying Everybody in da house say bah!
  5. E

    Is this Haraam?

    Thank you, I was about to ask what the Video speak. GlobalPeace, I thank you. I do not know about the singer or what she sings, I do not speak Gaelic. I posted examples of music , or type of music I played on instruments, not singing. In my past I did many bad things I know , even I then...
  6. E

    Is this Haraam?

    Sir, I am a person not a dude. Please share what is music to you? Wasalam. /Erik
  7. E

    Is this Haraam?

    Dear sister, you did not come across as rude to me. Please feel free to tell me more about ´rules with music? Wasalam./Erik
  8. E

    Is this Haraam?

    Salam brother, I did not know. As I said, I do my best to be correct and in progress of learning. I cant edit the post but maybe a moderator can so this dont happen again. Wasalam. /Erik
  9. E

    Is this Haraam?

    new example, it this Haraam? Same again, people in the Video has nothing to do with me or the question. Wasalam. /Erik
  10. E

    Is this Haraam?

    I thank you for the reply, I did not know that what you expanied, my question was maybe not very clear, I wondered if It is Haraam to play this music on an instrument?
  11. E

    Is this Haraam?

    Salam brothers and sisters. I have few things granted in life and as a new revert to Islam., not having to with that I am new but I want to be correct, I know little but I want to be correct. Is this Haraam? I need to know for myself. (PEOPLE IN VIDEO HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE...
  12. E

    Did I speak correct?

    Salam, I was asked about a wife for me. "Men usually interested in young women." Allah says, find a good woman, never Allah speaks about age. Young women is not required. Good woman is! Wasalam, brother /Erik
  13. E

    a Video must see

    I thank you brothers and sisters and brother Bawar for this Video reply I agree to all but I think to come across to some you cant always be that correct. Let me try and explane more.. I was at the last step of hell fire!! The Depate I had was with a fool. myself. I depated with myself a...
  14. E

    a Video must see

    This is a debate video from the capital of the country i was born into. Brother posted this before but i think it needs a new thread just for it. 4058605158253427977 I hope all christians and non belivers in Scandinavia could see this. wasalam. /Erik
  15. E

    How do I handle Christians?

    I was born in Sweden you know, in the depate, its from there in the capital, I never heard of it or Pastor Sjogren in the debate, maybe because I live way up north buy anyway. Just wanted to let all know. :salah: /Erik