salam alikom
oh are sick may im so sad wallahi , may allah bless you and shower his mercy over you, it is just a test from allah swt to his loveable people , smile allah swt loves you sister ,may allah give you a soon cure
and insha allah you will regain your health as soos as possible be sure sister allah always with us in both our happiness and sadness
i will make a lot of dou'a for you dearest sister to my heart i love you wallahi deserve more than that sister you r so kind i love both u and sister hijab al3efah from my heart
may allah make all your life full of happiness love prosperity and success both here and the last day insha allah taala.... don't forget to take medecine okey and don't be upset forget about your illness and everything inshs aalah will be in a good state okey ,, in arabic allah yshafik ou y3afik..
may allah cure you and regain you the smile on your beautiful face .....
your sister khadija