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  • wa alaikum salam dear sis =)
    Alhamdulillah i m fine =)
    jazakallah khair for asking =)
    what about u deary
    hope u are in good health too Inhsallah ;)
    Feel like killing the feds!! ARGH! I spent a sleepless night, only to find out in the morning that the result has been delayed! :(:(
    Fam! What are we going to do??!!
    wa alaikum salam wrwb dear sis,

    Alhamdolillah I am good. How are you? Best of luck for your result. I pray to Allah "May you get very good grades." Ameen.
    oh shweet!! The young girl has finally grown up!!..;);)
    Sarah is really *that* freaked out?? *SIgh*..She has transmitted half of the tension in me.. I am SO freaked out!! Can't even breathe....*drops on the flour*..:(
    Wa alaykumus Salam Fam!
    I am TOTALLY fine now,...safe from the heat and loadsheddding of Lahore.. Alhamdulillah! Alhamdulillah!
    We were totally roasted on our way back to Pindi..*phew*.. what a turmoil!!! :(:(
    Give my best wishes to Sarah... please try to behave yourself by not teasing her, okay? ;)..(Although I know that you are going to make sure that you bug her as much as you can..*poor her*..:D)
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