Recent content by haji786

  1. H

    Iblis and Dajjal Relationship - Evidence?

    Salam-alakum! I have been reading a lot recently about dajjal and signs of Qiamat. I have also read extensively about the secret societies, ie the freemasons and illuminati. However, after discussions with other brothers on the topic, we were wondering if there's any evidence ie any Ayats...
  2. H

    Shaytan and Jinn during Ramadan?

    JazakAllah khair for the feedback. I understand now what I was previously a little confused about Allhumdulillah!
  3. H

    Shaytan and Jinn during Ramadan?

    any feedback would be appreciated!
  4. H

    Shaytan and Jinn during Ramadan?

    Asalam-alaykum, Good dreams are from Allah and bad dreams from shaytan/jinn. During Ramadan shaytan and jinns are locked in jahunum, so if i get a nightmare/bad dream during Ramadan what is the reasoning behind it? Also, if during Ramadan I get bad thoughts during the day or salah, then...
  5. H

    Advice needed asap please! I'm in real trouble!

    Salam-alaykum warah matuallah wa bara katu. I am 23 from London. I consider myself to be quite a decent Muslim - I pray 5 times a day, I am conscience of my actions, have had the privilege of going on Hajj and Umrah on many occasions. However, I feel as though my life is without purpose...
  6. H

    HELP ME...depression....i have completely given up...

    Salam brothers and sisters thank you all so much for your msgs. may Allah bless you all for helping out someone u have not even met! Allhumdullilah! I have heeded your advice and told my parents. they were very understanding and understand my situation. InshAllah everything is going to...
  7. H

    HELP ME...depression....i have completely given up...

    Salam brothers & sisters, I have turned to this forum simply because I have absolutely nobody to turn to. My life has become such a mess that I feel trapped and utterly hopeless. Let me vent - I am 22, British Pakistani, born and raised in UK. My Parents have provided me with...