Recent content by Hassan1988

  1. H

    50 cool facts

    so that people don't notice how long they've been there, sneaaaky hahaha what if her doctor was a jew? omg, I might just die of the irony nice haha al hamdu lil Allah definetly trying this next time:D
  2. H

    How Pakistani authorities scoffing at Muslims!

    I was wondering what he did at first but like Musulmanin said no one should be treated like that. If they did something, they should be sent to court and punished accordingly, those police were a bunch of thugs. my video is taking a long time to load so i've only seen the first minutes so far...
  3. H

    Important persons of Islam what the way of cleaning the teeth

    I just got a miswak (peelu I think) for the first time and have been using it the past 2 weeks, I think its pretty good. Do you guys use it with a paste? I just use it without the paste first thing in the morning, then I go over with my regular tooth bruth and colgate after wards for a second go...
  4. H

    Brothers And sisters you will love this

    I'm suspicious of alot of sites on the internet because I know there's a ton that are made by the enemies of Islam to try to misguide people, do you guys have a list of okay and fake sites? Shukran salamu alaikum
  5. H

    Protesters shout down Ehud Olmert in Chicago

    I'm so happy and proud to see that Al hamdu lil Allah, may Allah protect all of them