'smh' xaa laga wadaa?lol I know, I know..! am a bit behind on those kinda things...
Ahem, moving on!
I didn't lose 'em on purpose y'know! I dumbly cleaned out mi phone without saving anything:S But hey, they called several days later =)
LOL! maskiin...! but becareful bal, I heard a sister who goes there got chased by some dudes a while back- although you're in a lot less danger than she was in('cause niqaabi bee aheed), you should still watch out... don't walk in the alley ways without a weapon ;]
Yep! MCTC... sigh. I can't stand it there =( I go to class and leave right away! But ah, I guess we are closer to each other now. PM me ypur number saaxib!=)
and oh btw, you still work at Marshall's mise...?;D