Wa alaicumu saalam wa raahmatullah wa baarakatuhu dear sister
Alhadmulillah I have been well dear sister with Allahs Mercy and Blessings for me.
It is month of Ramadhan now so I am trying to spend most of my time in learning and memoraising Quraan, but beside that I try to spend more time with my beloved family and my loved ones. Alhadmulilah to Allah on every day that He has gives us.
How are you dear sister and how do you spend Ramadhan? I pray to Allah that He fullfill your hearts with eman and happiness and of your beloved family,and may Allah be always close to you. Ameen ya Rabby
Thank you dear sister once again for remembering me. I have aslo truly missed you and love you from my heart.
May Allah bless you and keep you under His Mercy and Protection.
I love you for the Sake of Allah!
Wa allaicumu saalam wa raahmatullahi wa baarakatuhu