Recent content by Islam4meandyou

  1. I

    Cannot trust my husband...many reasons

    Thank you! Assalamu alaikom. Mashallah and thank you everyone for the blessed advice you have providided me. I will keep making dua and trust in Allah SWT. Being new to Islam I was not sure how to deal with this siuation. Now I understand that only Allah protects and comforts his believers...
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    Cannot trust my husband...many reasons

    assalamu alaikom. thank you everyone for the advice, duas, and hadeeth. Alhamdililah for this website bc I really needed to get a second opinion on this! Inshallah my husband will become closer to his religion and choosehis family over his desires. I love Islam and have hope for change so I will...
  3. I

    Cannot trust my husband...many reasons

    Thank you...I will keep praying for Allah's help to strengthen our faith and marriage and family!
  4. I

    Cannot trust my husband...many reasons

    something else He does not pray and I have begged him to start and to read Quran with me as I am a revert to Islam. ITs hard for me to struggle by myself while my husband has no care for our religion and gives me no chance to have faith that he will change. I do love him and he claims to love...
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    Cannot trust my husband...many reasons

    Assalamu alaikom. I reverted to Islam in August 2003 and also married an arabic muslim at the same time. Since then I have made many changes for myself as a Muslim (alhamdililah), but also for our marriage to adjust to his culture. Well he has broken my trust in regards to girls several times...
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    The Deeper You Believe - The Harder The Life

    Assalamu alaikom. The word Bawar used "jihad" is what you are dealig with. You don't have to doubt your religion to know that life is hard. Everyhting is a test and needs patience. No matter how hard, just pray Allah to keep guiding you and for patience. No matter how much we suffer in this...
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    What year did you revert?/start practicing???

    I reverted to Islam August 9, 2003, alhamdililah. Islam is the truth and the only answer to get us through this world. I always study Islam and love to hear Hadeeth and read Quran. The stories are amazing, subhanallah. Inshallah, Islam will keep growing and we are guided to the straight path...
  8. I

    Picture in a non muslims grave....

    Thank you for showing that verse. Allah be with you
  9. I

    Communicating with kaffir family

    Oh and now my mom is happy for me and is very understanding with my way of life as a Muslim, alhamdililah! Having a non muslim family is challenging, but even the Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) had non believers in his family! Peace and patience are very strong values of Islam! go to
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    Communicating with kaffir family

    Assalamu alaikom. I reverted to Islam Aug 2003. In the beginning it was really hard my mom to understand why I wannted to be Muslim. She told me I should not have to wear my scarf and "Jesus died on the cross"(God forgive me). I had to keep explaining to her that this is the life for me, what I...
  11. I

    Picture in a non muslims grave....

    :tti_sister: Assalamu alaikom. I wrote earlier this week about going to my non muslim brother's funeral. Well I went, but I need to ask something else. Here, Americans put different items of remembrance inside the casket at the funeral. Some people put sunglasses, a $2 bill, but I think my other...
  12. I

    Advice on attending non muslim funeral

    :ma: Assalamu alaikom. I reverted to Islam almost 4 yrs ago. my mom and 3 brothers are all christian, not very religious, but non-muslim. My 20 yr old brother, Bronson, passed away fri may 18th. I am trying to figure out if it is permissable to attend the church service and burial with a pastor...