Recent content by ivonne

  1. ivonne

    Der Umgang des Propheten (s) mit seinen Ehefrauen

    Assalamu alaikum, koennte ein Moderator bitte diese letzten beiden sehr unpassenden und verwirrended Beitraege loeschen! Ich habe mcih schon die ganze Zeit ueber den ersten merkwuerdigen Kommentar gewundert aber jetzt noch der zweite :confused: Danke Salam
  2. ivonne


    I would advice not to give honey to babys under one year old I study in this field and I have two daughters who are sick many times a year so I went to many doctors and all of them say its dangerous for the kids life to give thme hney under one year old, so my opnion is that you should look for...
  3. ivonne

    UAE ruler's half brother in torture tape0101

    The Video and any evidence wasnt allowed to watch here in UAE of course. Nobody reacted and nobody cared and they covered it up quickly, once they had to give a statement they said eveything that happened was within the law. Im sorry to say it but people here are very arrogant and think becuase...
  4. ivonne

    Wo kann man Ausbildung auch mit Kopftuch machen?

    Selam aleikum. Hier ganz bestimmt nicht; Bank - Zinsen Hast Recht aber fast alle "Islamischen Banken " nehmen Zinsen Supermarkt - Alkohol,Tabak und Schwein (Emulgatoren) Tuerkischer/Arabischer Supermarkt da gehts auch mit Hijab Spital - Medikmente mit Alkohol Darueber kann man sich streiten...
  5. ivonne

    a Saudi's trip to Iran.....

    Salam, I absolutly agree and thank all peple who mentioned not to label oeple as Kuffar cause what does that make you if you think you ahve the right to judge anybody as NOBODY can exept from Allah swt he is the only one who knows whats on peoples heart tahts all I ahve to say. And my best...
  6. ivonne

    what is shiaism?

    Salam, I just wnated to say please have a look on a Shia website aswell or maybe you find a neutreal website as of coruse if you would have a look on soem Shia website you would less liekly find any good things ablut Sunnis even though most things are untrue or just opinions of some people...
  7. ivonne

    Thank you in advance .

    If you really want to know thank you and not just thanks han its Danke Dir(if you know the person) and Danke ihnen(if you dont know the person or taling to an adult goverment etc its the polite way) - German Mersi- Farsi (Persian) Gracie lei - Italian
  8. ivonne


    Me kind Husband caring This world amazing Friendship blessing Key to heart deen
  9. ivonne

    Is Avon a Jewish Product?

    Salam, who knows if this is all owned by jews I never heard that for example Tchibo is owned by jews but however as you all seem so worried I just wanted to mention that the german make Mueller is supporting neo Nazi politics with their money and I know their products ae very much liked in the...
  10. ivonne

    Don’t Seek Marriage Through The Internet!

    Salam First I want to say of course I understand that you should be careful and that there are many crazy people in the net muslim or non muslim everybody has t be carefll who is he dealing with BUT I found my husband in the net YES alhamdulilah and he is the only one and the only thing I...
  11. ivonne

    Wie macht man Dua?

    Salam Schwester, Dua kann man vom Prinzip her machen wie wo und wann man will, denn es ist ein Bittgebet man koennte sagen du fuehrst eine Unterhaltung mit Allah swt. Natuerlich gibt es auch bestimmte Duas von Mohammad saws und seinen Gefaehrten die sehr bekannt sind und die du einfach im Net...
  12. ivonne

    Muslim sein in Deutschland

    Du kannst nicht voten?! Probiere es einfach spaeter nochmal manchmal spinnt auch einfach nur das Net inshalah klappt esa dann. Salam
  13. ivonne

    Muslim sein in Deutschland

    Salam liebe Geschwister, ich wollte gerne einen Umfrage starten und zwar ueber das Thema "muslimisches leben in Deutschland". Ich wollte einfach wissen ob ihr denkt das Deutschland ein "muslimfreundliches" Land ist oder ihr eher schone oefter Probleme hattet wegen eurer Religionen. Inshallah...
  14. ivonne

    Gedicht ueber Hijab

    A modern hijab poem What do you see when you look at me Do you see someone limited, or someone free All some people can do is just look and stare Simply because they can't see my hair Others think I am controlled and uneducated They think that I am limited and un-liberated They are so thankful...
  15. ivonne

    Wasserpfeife Haram?

    Ich denke auch das es Haram ist mdenn in den islamischen Laendern die nicht nur darauf hinarbeiten so westlich wie moeglich zu sein ist es verboten Schischa zu rauchen z.B. Sharjah VAE.