Recent content by Jakia

  1. J

    The Importance Of covering

    Like a window needs the covering of curtains to prevent the house from getting burgled the human body needs covering from being besmirched by Satan. Covering. It’s strange how we as humans have the sense to incorporate such a rule into our creations for safe guarding but be outraged when our...
  2. J

    I am new here

    assalaamu alykum brother
  3. J

    New with an Issue

    As I am new to this site I would like to start off by saying... Assalamu alaykum Brothers & Sisters. Im 15 (turning 16 :) and very devoted to islam. Ive been practising since the age of 5 AND LOVE MY RELIGON. Now im going to express an issue (sowi :) Islam the religon it self is PERFECT...