Recent content by Julian

  1. J

    please switchoff your mobile phone

    One of the things that just gets under my skin is when a cell phone goes off during Friday prayer. Our Imam has asked time and time again after the sermon and before the actual prayer to turn off our mobiles. At the very least, brothers could put their phones on vibrate, that way even if it does...
  2. J

    China Bans Bible But Not Quran in 08 Olympics

    Quite Interesting. Although having the Bible banned doesn't have much to do with the Qur'an being banned. I agree that the Americans are just making a big deal of things like usual. If "true" christians just followed the sunnah of Jesus, they wouldn't have many problems. In the end, only Allah...
  3. J

    A Reminder of the Virtures of Ashoorah, which is on Friday

    Thanks for sharing! I knew about fasting on the day of Ashoorah but i didnt know when it was. btw, is it possible to fast that day with the intention of making up a fasting day from Ramadan, and still getting the reward of the sins uplifted?
  4. J

    Assalammu Alaiykum!

    Thanks! Insha'Allah may you and all of the rest of our brothers' and sisters' become closer to Allah =]
  5. J

    de cual pais hispanico son ustedes?

    Assallamu Alaiykum Atodos =] Yo soy de los Estados Unidos. Vivo en Oklahoma City.
  6. J

    Assalammu Alaiykum!

    Assallammu Alaiykum my dear brothers and sisters in Islam! My Name is Julian, and im a 17yr. old in highschool. I converted to islam in the summer of 2007 with the help of a muslim friend and their very helpful father. I come from a family of Mexican christians, and when i finally decided to...