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  • WA alaykumu salaamu wa rahmatuLlah sis :D:D i hope ur int he best of health and eeman :D
    I love you sooooooooo much :D
    inshaAllah ur in my duas lemme know how ur exam went
    i hope it went well inshaAllah
    May Allah make u pass with flying colours
    Take care ukhtiiiiiiii
    wa salamu alaykum :D
    Asalam alaikum sis
    ahh sis don't stress too much just do ur best and leave the rest to ALLAH
    inshallah you will do great in the exams.Inshallah i will make dua for u sis
    alhamdulliah i am fine..just lil busy with tests..
    take care of ur self
    don't stress sis and u better be eating healthy stuff or else:SMILY335:
    he he
    just kidding
    walikum salam
    wassallam sis
    I just want to say Ameen wa iyyakii
    i love you 2 soooooooo much!!!
    take care
    Asalam alaikum my sweet sis
    how r u?
    didn't chat with u in alongggggggggggggggggggggggggg time
    miss u sis
    inshallah chat with u soon sis
    i hope everything is okay on ur side
    May ALLAH make everythign easy for u.Ameen
    walikum salam
    Wa alaykumu salaamu wa rahmatuLlahi wa barakaatuhu wa maghfiratuhu ukhti :) :D
    Im ok alhamduliLlah jazaakiLlahu khayran for asking and droping by yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay i love sis channa :D:D:D :hearts:
    how are u ukhti? I miss u sooooooooo much its like i cant not speak to u for one day :D:D mashaAllah u see sis how much i love you :D:D
    Yumm what did u have for lunch? :D:D:D
    take care ukhti
    oh yeah i went with that sis to the restaurant today and i have aloo qeema with naaaaaaaan :D:D mashaAllah
    ok sis good night and sweet dreams uhibbuki katheeeeeeeeran :D
    wa salamu alaykum
    i love learning languages! :D:D:D
    i have this one bengali mate and shes teaching me slowly but surely loOoOoOoOll :D

    AAmeen to your du'aa :D
    had my 2 exams today.. 10 more to go hahah :D
    hope u do super duper in ur exam too :D

    x x x
    Was-salaam :D
    Assalaamu alaykum ukhti :D:D

    Yep i ate...and too much :D:D i had cookies at one sister's house yum yum :D:D
    Kitha khayso sis :D
    Im ok alhamduliLlah jazaakiLlahu khayran for asking how are you ya ukhtil kareemah :) :D
    Ameen to your du'a. May Allah protect you and grant you happiness in duniya and akhirah ukhtii! I love you sooooo much :hearts:
    Wa salaamu alaykum :D
    WA'alaykum salaam :D:D

    Majaa ma :cool: Hahahahahah
    Im well Alhumdulillah Hows uu..? :D

    Hope ur ok inshaAllah :D
    JazakAllah khair for popping by :)

    Hey sis whens ur exam..? Mine is tmrw make dua pls ;)
    Ame tumaar balaa fye :D *i love you* hope im saying it correctly :D InshaAllah loOoOoll

    Take care sis :D
    x x x

    Was-salaam :D
    Assalaamu alaykum shunna boiyn :D
    Im ok alhamduliLlah jazaakiLlahu khayran for asking! Tumi bala ni :D?
    Yes i was on msn and spoke to you :D:D
    Ameen to your dua wa iyyaki ukhti al habibah :)
    InshaAllah speak to you soon
    wa salam :D:D
    Assalaamu alaykum shunna boiyn :D
    How are you sis ? I hope youre in the best of health and eeman inshaAllah.
    Did you get my mail today?
    May Allah bless you ukhti
    I truly love you fiLlah...so soo soooo much sis :hearts:
    wa salamu alaykum
    Wa alaykumu salaam wa rahmatuLlah sissssss!!
    JazaakiLlahu khayran for your message!
    Ameen to your dua may Allah bless u always too ukhtii!
    I love you sooo much fiLlah
    wa salamu alaykum
    Abu Hurairah, radiyallahu 'anhu, reported that the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, said:

    "Allah the Almighty has said: 'Whosoever acts with enmity towards a closer servant of Mine (wali), I will indeed declare war against him. Nothing endears My servant to Me than doing of what I have made obligatory upon him to do. And My servant continues to draw nearer to Me with supererogatory (nawafil) prayers so that I shall love him. When I love him, I shall be his hearing with which he shall hear, his sight with which he shall see, his hands with which he shall hold, and his feet with which he shall walk. And if he asks (something) of Me, I shall surely give it to him, and if he takes refuge in Me, I shall certainly grant him it.'"

    Assalamu Alaikum Ukthi,
    How are you doing? hope everything is fine there. I wanted to drop by and say salaams . Keep me in your duas.

    wa alaykum sallam my beloved dear sister
    hows you doing??
    jazakallahu khaiyr for dropping by ukthi
    hope your well and things going good for you
    i miss you so much:( i know sis i hardly come online
    because im not too good and that:( don't worry sis
    we'll keep in touch inshaAllah just take care of yourself sis
    i love you so much :hearts:
    hows little cute baby bro?? Awwww send him to me plz
    send him down stepney mAshaAllah his so cute..
    May Allah bless him
    give him a hug and kiss from me
    take care ukthi
    Assalaamu alaykum sis

    Just wanted to leave this message so that u find it tomorrow inshaAllah :) I hope youre in the best of health and eeman
    I LOVE YOUUUU :hearts:

    take care habibaaatiiii

    Wa salamu alaykum
    loool, yea me toooo! i was like is she sure she wants to post her pic in here??i was pretty scared but when I seeeeeeeen I LAUGHED n my sis was looking @ me like "u crazy"loool, I told her I aint crazy I jst seen something funny!loooool
    WAS:) iam doing well, alhamduliAllah...thanks for poping:)loool,
    loooooooooooooooool, omg! u were such a cutie pie:) subahnaAllah, it made me LAUGH walahi, hw did u come up wif dat??? thanks aloooot 4 sharing it wif me:)
    I LOOVED it:)
    Allah hafiz *!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!:) to u tooo:)
    heheheheheheheheh.... i knew there was sumthin fishy about the way u wer talking lol :D:D
    i think i talk more here and less on msn :D
    i duno how that one works but yeah lol
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