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  • Wa alaykumu salaam wa rahmatullah sis :D:D:D
    yep yep yep im online :D and speakin to u :D
    i miss you mooooooooooooore :D ami tumare miss kori :D:D
    inshaAllah i make dua for you :)

    *ur so quiet compared to when ur chattin to me on msn* :rolleyes: are u ok..?
    hehehehehhe... i still have not revised lol :D:D
    im back yeah lol... its good to be back Alhumdulillah, *im keeeping in mind ur advice* ;)

    jazakAllah khair ukhtii for that ... thnx a bunch :D
    yes please teach me and get that "apparently gujji" word outta ur head lol, it myt have some hidden messages in it.. :SMILY26:

    lOoOoOoOoOoOoOoooll... hhehehhe.. there comes my "aero" *yum* lol :D:D

    fi amaanillah :)
    As-salaamu'alaykum! :D:D
    how are u keeping sister..? hope ur ok inshaAllah :)

    thought i'd drop by... Hope u had a super duper day yesterday inshaAllah :D
    u can say that to me next year April haha *haha*

    take care
    luvvya sis

    Wassalaam ~
    P.S.. will u teach me bengali..? :D I wd love to learn some :D if u have the tym inshaAllah :D
    Alhumdulillah shes ok.. i waited for u on msn.. looks like sum1 went sneaking intno the fridge :lol: haha

    kidding my dearest sister :)
    i love sis yasmin and u and all my sisters.. ur the only ones i have man..

    and shes my teacher.. ustaathatii ;) so i gotta look out for her more ryt..?
    She'll ace 'em man.. mashaAllah shes a buff lol :D

    take care inshaAllah

    As-salaamu 'alaykum

    hope ur ok inshaAllah
    hows sister yasmin..? i hvnt heard from her. is she ok.?
    Wa anti min ahlil jazaaa ;)

    enjoy my day..? yeh u 2 inshaAllah.

    Take care sis
    hav a great day tmrw at col. Hope u got all ur work done lol.. im referring tu your pm on msn lol.
    best of wishes...

    Wassalaam ~
    make dua for me pls
    Wa'alaykum salaam ukhtii Chahana :)

    how are u..?
    i read ur thread.. :( im so sorry to hear that
    May Allah make things easy for u

    luvya lots
    ur always in my duas :) make dua for me too pls ;)

    take care
    WaAlaikum Assalaam wr wb my sweet affa! gosh! I missed u loads! hugs!!!!!
    hw have u been??? thanks, such a cutie babe huh??lol, HUG affa!!!
    luv ya
    Allah hafiz now and always:D:D:D:D
    wa alaykum sallam sis
    Alhamdulilah but health is not so good lol
    make dua inshaAllah
    and how is you doing my beloved sis??
    hope your well
    sister sorry?? hehe no need to be sorry its kool sis
    inshaAllah we will chat next time soon:)
    i miss you and love you loads
    thanks for dropping by
    take care
    alhamdulliah sis i am doign great
    aww sis ..hugs
    inshallah u will get ur homwork done
    of course u r always in my duas
    take care
    hugs and kisses
    walikum salam
    Asalam alaikum my lil sis
    how r u?
    hope everythign is okey dokey on ur side
    and hope u don't have tons of homework to do
    inshallah talk to u soon
    love u tons
    take care
    walikum salam
    Wa alaykumu salam wa rahmatuLlahi wa barakatuh ya ukhtiii
    im ok alhamdulillah jazaakillahu khayran for your message :) bala ni?
    i love you ukhtiiii
    muahh :hearts:
    wa salam
    Assalamu alaykum sis :D:D:D yep yep a nice surprise inshaAllah :D:D:D:D u might be a bit scared though inshaAllah :D:D:D
    wa anti min ahli ljaza' ya ukhti al habiibah :D:D
    muahh!! :D
    wa salammm
    and enjoy ur time out :D
    assalamu alaykum
    afwan habibtiii :D:D:D
    hey channa i got something to show u its zehhhhh funny :D:D:D let me know if u want inshallah :D:D
    assalamu alaykum sis :D:D:D yeah i know LOLLLLLLL but still i shouldnt say tumi first *shy*: :D:D:D

    LOOOOOOOOL i like the chahana wa yasmine at the endddd! mashaAllah :D:D:D:D
    Assalamu alaykum sis :D:D
    JazaakiLlahu khayran :) am doin well too alhamduliLlah :D:D:D
    ameen to your dua wa iyyaki ukhti :D
    im so rude :D i said tumare instead of afnareh aaaaaaaaaaah :D
    okiie sis tchatting to u now :D:D
    take care
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