Recent content by krackpot

  1. krackpot

    Makkah Islamic Conference 27th Ramadan 1433Hijrah/ 2012.

    Brother karu you totally missed the point.. You do not know who to trust . Do not be blinded by hate, i am well aware of different govermments and their ideologies.. And no country is an islamic republic except a few... So you have to lern a alot about tolerance and diplomacy.
  2. krackpot

    Makkah Islamic Conference 27th Ramadan 1433Hijrah/ 2012.

    As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu... I agree with sister queenislams post. Brother/sister karu-89. You have to understand that the everlasting shia sunni conflict has given way to persecution, killing and loss of muslim land all over the world inch by inch. Be the best muslim...
  3. krackpot

    Effect of Dua

    As salaamu alaikum sister im a young brother in islam but your post touched me immensely. All i want to say to you is Allah is best of all Planners... when he has sent us down on this, land it is he who takes care of all beings big and small. Allah does not test a person beyond his capacity...
  4. krackpot

    Zakir naik visa banned in uk

    "HYPOCRISY OF THE WEST" the country which gives freedom to salman rushdie does not give visa to DR>ZAKIR NAIK..... THIS MUS BE HIGHLIGHTED IN MEDIA.. oh. wait WHICH MEDIA????
  5. krackpot

    GAZA FLITILLA ATTACKED.... Protest brothers

    As salaamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.... brothers and sisters please pray for the shohadaa of this attack.... i wish i were one among them :( Early Monday morning, Israel attacked a flotilla of aid ships bound for the Gaza Strip; up to 10 people were killed in the pre-dawn raid...
  6. krackpot

    Cat lovers; HELP ME FIND A PIC!!!

    wa alaikum as salaam brother cmon its normal for a muslim brother to love cats... :) i've had a family of cats and my house is a guest house for all animals and birds (running an independent animal wing) im just glad that im not the oly brother who likes cats and birds :D
  7. krackpot

    help me plz! things to say to convert a kafir to islam

    sister WithAllahsPowers please change your username. how can you have allah's powers??? no disrespect but please change it if you believe allah is alone with his sifa'at ie: Asma ul husna. it is blashphemous to claim or say something like that. if any non-muslim were to come across your...
  8. krackpot

    reiki and yoga halal?

    As salaamu alaikum my dear brothers and sisters..... isnt slaat the best therapy given to us by allah??? we should be different from the kuffaar as our PROPHET MUHAMMED S.A.W has commanded us to.... why do we follow some1 else's tradition????? the yogis are hypocrites...
  9. krackpot

    Acquiring the status of ..

    WA ALAIKUM AS SALAAM sister islam breaks all bounds of racism, casteism nationalism etc etc.... we all love you no matter where you stay. you are our sister in islam and that matters the most :SMILY259:
  10. krackpot

    reiki and yoga halal?

    wa alaikum as salaam brother... why do you want reiki and yoga and bla bla when you are awarded with SALAT???? would you accept BHAGWATH GEETHA or THE BUDDDHIST CHANTS AND HYMNS???? i dont think so........ GOD FORBID SUCH THOUGHTS AND ACTS
  11. krackpot

    Holy Man lives without food/water for 70 years?

    Its quite common in INDIA gUYS there have been hundreds of cases like these in recent years where once in a while a swami or yogi pops up claiming to have some crappy powers and gets total media attention, after attracting large fan following, reciving huge donations they get caught in scandals...
  12. krackpot

    Holy Man lives without food/water for 70 years?

    some one should start ruqiya on this person from qur'an and there will be news of an insane swami instead... :D
  13. krackpot

    Quran and Ahadith ...SERIOUS QUESTIONS

    your first and second questions are answered by brothers and i have explaine the third one.... alhamdulillah there is no guidance in anything except Qur'an nd Ahadeeth so hold on to them tightly
  14. krackpot

    Quran and Ahadith ...SERIOUS QUESTIONS

    Qur'an commands us to follow the word of prophet, and we find thse words in Ahadeet therefore AHADEETH=sayings of prophet S.A.W...which are mandatory to follow. YOU MAY READ SURAH HUJURAT FOR A COMPLETE EXPLANATION ON THIS TOPIC MUNKAR E HADEETH (one who refuses to accept hadeeth) = KAFIR...
  15. krackpot

    Holy Man lives without food/water for 70 years?
