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  • Wa' Alaikum Salam, I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!! Insha Allah the package should be at your house in 5-10days!!!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I am so excited and I just can't hide it. I hope you like it. OH my friend was asking me if I could send you money and you could send me some Abayas. She said that Egypt has the most beautiful Abaya Masha Allah. I told her I would ask and so I just did LOL. Insha Allah we will talk this Eid break. Oh and keep me posted on the package LOL. Salam... xoxoxoxoxox... MIss YuO... Love You.....
    wa alaykumu salaam wa rahmatullah ukhti :D

    Global warming is doing its job here :D its not as cold as it should be :D but i aint complaining loolll its good this way alhamdulillah :D:D

    And hows Cairo ukhti
    And how are you

    Jazaakillahu khayran for your message
    so sweet of you :hearts:
    big hugs
    wa salaam
    Asalam Alaikum, The girl was so excited that she forgot to remove the inventory control tag and so Insha Allah I will go back tomorrow so she can remove it. LOL. You made me laugh so hard with your message LOL! I am so excited to send it. Alhamdulillah that I am able to send you a little gift for all your wonderful help. I need to ask revert2007 for her address she will be the next on my list for sending a little something something LOL. Insha Allah I hope we can chat on Eid break. Salam xoxoxox love you.
    Asalamu Alaikum, I got your gift today and I am so excited for you to get it!!! Now I just have to mail it off!!! The girls in the store were so fascinated to hear I was sending it to Cairo. They said " WHoa like OMG that is sooo cool."LOL !!! Insha Allah I will let you know when I take it to the post office so you can keep a look out. OHHHHH I am SOOOOOOOO excited. Can't Wait for you to see and I hope you like it Insha Allah!! xoxoxoxoxxo Love you... Miss You...
    OoOoOohh Maha! :D

    Nysh name mashaAllah :):) just like you ;)
    haha! Arw Uni ? Man, how was it?

    yeh i cant WAIT for the holidays! *Oh yehhh.. Oh yehhhh* :D

    TC u have a great day hun1


    Wassalaam :):)
    LOL, its still wewird tho cos my profile int meant to be private :D haha!

    Well atleast we can now chit chat :d inshaALlah :):)
    Soso wots ur name sis? :D

    tc, LOve u lots :):)

    Wassalaam :):
    Asalam Alaikum, No we don't have Eid Breaks here LOL. Most people in America don't even know what Eid is LOL sad, but true. No we have thanksgiving break in two weeks. Your almost to the weekend wwwwwwoooooohhhhhhhhooooooooaaaaaaaa!
    Miss You TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am have been so busy with school. ugh......... I am sick is the semester over yet lol. Hope all is well Insha Allah. Asalam Alaikum.
    Wa' Alaikum Salam, Insha allah i hope all is well with you. I liked the website a lot thank you. Salam xoxoxoxox.
    Asalam Alaikum Sis, I am still searching for the best gift for you.hhhmmm... This is harder than i thought. I want to buy everything in sight and send it. lol. Insha Allah everything is well with you. xoxoxoxox salam
    i thought ur sleeping lol......hunting uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..dont forget our class on sunday n monday lol..if ur busy with exam ,just let me know habibti
    Asalam Alaikum! Miss you!!!!!! My seminar was wonderful! Alhamdulillah!!!! Insha Allah I hope all is well with you. Salam
    Asalam Alaikum. I was really fast and the package was torn a little, but it was wonderful. I am saving the package for the Arabic writing. Insha Allah some day I will be able to read what it says. I can't wait to find something fabulous and send it to you. Xoxoxox.
    Asalam Alaikum! Love Love Love the present. Thank you so much!!!!!!! May Allah reward you for your nice deed. Did I say I Loved the package? By the way I LOVE the Package !!!!!
    Asalam Alaikum sista, No i didnt get the package yet, but insha allah soon. I am so excite now I can leave you messages like. Don't worry university will be over before you know it. lol> xoxoxoxoxox
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