Recent content by Mamat

  1. M


    i have heard of an event dat an IFRIT was chasing Our Saviour Muhd(S.A.W.) and jibrail(a.s.) gave him a verse 2 any one of you know what is the verse?
  2. M


    My friends have a problem in his house..we cud hear a loud sreamin or someone cryin..we cud even see the cup or small item jus move around. Do any of you can help maybe by giving us a verse of Al quran dat can make this "thing" scared and go away.
  3. M

    Watch This..... (PETA Animal Maltreatment)

    Astarghfirullah Masha Allah.. i pray 4 forgiveness and my Allah forgive me.. And may Allah send his fury towards this babarian. Now i know why their country is full of fatal disease such as SARS and Bird Flu. For all of yur info all dis fatal disease originated from their country.. Allah know best.
  4. M

    Verse of Al-quran to make us immune to any weapon.

    Asalamualaikum dear brothers and sisters. I wud like 2 ask anyone of u a question. I am a Singaporean. We have a practice in Singapore,Malaysia And Indonesia, called kebatinan..Whereby we used certain verse in Al-Quran for protection, Love and alots of thing. We also used certain words in...
  5. M

    lost soul

    Thank u i thank all of my muslim brothers and sisters. thanks for alightening me. May Allah bless our soul.
  6. M

    lost soul

    Thank u Oh thank u ever soo much.. i hope Allah will guide me to the right way of life.. as of now i feel soo hopeless..And i pray 2 Allah dat he will give his Rahmat to all of us.Amin
  7. M

    lost soul

    Asalamualaikum to all my muslim brothers and sisters..I am a lost soul..Lost becos i do 2 much bad deeds in dis life of mine..I have done almost all the sins in this world..I have a question..Will :Allah: Allah forgive a drunken body tattoo who had commit sin of zina with soo many girls no...