Recent content by Matta

  1. M

    What should be said during Salat?

    I admit I have difficulty learning the formal way to pray too. But really, isn't having the heartfelt desire to pray to the One, True, Loving God what really matters? Or does it have to be exactly correct, and it's considered invalid if you mess up? Sorry for asking a question within a...
  2. M

    Qur'an Science

    Forgive me if there is a similar topic like this, but it is really interesting nontheless. If so, just link me the thread. It was only until recently that I discovered that the Qur'an has many scientific miracles that weren't discovered until centuries later. I've look up several verses and...
  3. M

    Assalaamu Alaikum :D

    Welcome, sister. I hope you enjoy yourself here.
  4. M


    Wow, so many replies. =3 I really appreciate it, guys. But since I can't really respond to every single person here, I'll just point out the major issues: - I will not try to badger my parents to covert to Islam. That's their decision, and they are free to embrace any religion they...
  5. M


    Okay, but I kinda made a thread about it last night, but it's pending, which is weird. Do all threads do that? O.o The major thing is, I'm underweight, 109 lbs last time I checked, and if I don't eat/drink anything for several hours, I get severe migraines and stomach cramps. And not to...
  6. M


    Thank you very much everyone! Blessings to you all. ^_^
  7. M


    Shukran, friend. To be honest, no. And I'm really wanting to. But I'm afraid that they'll judge me, making false accusations about our faith and such. They're not the most tolerant and open-minded people out there. However, I could at least tell my parents. Surely they'll understand my new...
  8. M


    Greetings, fellow Muslims. I am proud to say that I am a recent convert to Islam and am currently learning Arabic. As you can tell from my username, my actual name is Matt. I believe it's the Arabic equivalent if I'm not mistaken, but if I am then please correct me. :P Anyway, I'm from the...