Recent content by Mohamad Fazril

  1. M

    Article Evolution theory and Islam

    I think what the brother implying is the theory of evolution can be applied to creatures on earth except human and the djin. The reason scholars did not accept theory of evolution because the western applied it to all living being including human where as we Muslim had been cleared mention by...
  2. M

    Advice on Photography

    Assalamualaikum, from what I had thought about the hadtith. It is wrong if taking pictures with the intent of showing off. It is worse if it contain human picture (especially if it the person is not hiding he/her aurah), because other may see it even after the person had die (the picture will...
  3. M


    welcome hiranuma, I also read manga.. it is popular here in Malaysia.
  4. M

    Funny Hadith about Prophet Moses (pbuh)

    :salam2: I start laughing when Prophet Musa saying 'O stone! Give me my clothes!'. It is even funnier when Prophet Musa hitting the stone with stick. Imagine if we are the one in his place, how much embarassing it is running around naked trying to catch the stone in front of other people...
  5. M

    Egypt conflict-What people should remember!

    Still, don't you all think that this protest are too much. Whether the government side or the protester side, they both had done too much damage to the country and not trying to restrain themselves. Destroying property, break into houses, fighting each other(police, soldier, citizen). This all...
  6. M

    Islamic Medicine: 1000 years ahead of its times

    Truly Allah give and take everything. Even after such influence on the world by Islam, we had almost lost and forget it. Muslim today had weaken to the bottom today. It is quite sad to see our great country in the past with all its glory and success, completely fall that even we as the...
  7. M

    is the dajjal really locked up or free?

    Pray to Allah that we are save from the fitna of dajjal. Abu Darda' reported Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) as saying: If anyone learns by heart the first ten verses of the Surah al-Kahf, he will be protected from the Dajjal.
  8. M

    Why are Arabs like this?

    I never know the Malaysians are like that at there. It just hillarious.
  9. M

    I have lost my faith, and need help getting it back

    Salam B232, what I can say is you must free your mind from your conception of the world and your culture. Islam is not based on culture nor the conception of the world( Prophet Muhammad SAW marriage to Aisyah, the existence of the world). It is a way of life for those who believe in it and the...
  10. M

    Mixture of Emotions!!

    yeah.. its kinda a mix feeling.
  11. M

    Jesus Will Return

    Assalamualaikum, actually we as muslim cannot potrayed all the prophet of Allah.
  12. M

    Look! This is the islam - islam is peace!

    Awh.. this is a nice video.
  13. M

    PLEASE Forward and also Vote

    we must show to others non muslim that Muhammad saw is the best people and the most precious to us.
  14. M

    State in the grave

    but it is important in case non muslim ask us about this.
  15. M

    Israeli mother addresses European Parliament

    The zionism had make a lot of muslim suffer until many of its people despise it. this is some video that show another person who is defending palestine people against israel. cNQSV3BBtZ4