Recent content by mohammad javid

  1. M

    Children Reading Quran Beautifully!! With Excellent Tajweed English Translation Too!!

    Assalamu alakium Masha Allah Truley amazing,Voices from Heaven.
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    Are men allowed?

    Assalamu alakium sister Samiah, what i meant is you can marry who ever you whant, but it is better if He or she become believers Because what i said is if you marry no believer what is going to happen to the childerns. And iam also married to a revert. thats why i Quoted from [...
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    Assalamu alakium sister, To my understanding 'WE': it is the plural of respect and honour and is used in human language in Royal proclamations and decrees. ( Qur'an 2:38). :salah:
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    Saying hello from Texas

    Welcome brother Dan, Hope you will enjoy your stay here on this site. Any questions please feel free to ask.
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    joining the community

    Assalamu alakium sister, Welcome to this site. Hope you will benefit as much as we brothers and sisters have.
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    I apologize

    Assalamu alakium sister. First of all it is the same greeting that Reverent Jesus [ P.b u. h] give to his disciples, Luke:24:36. meaning peace be unto you. Concerning sadaam execution, what hurts us muslims that it was a Heinous plan all along to be carried out on one of muslims holiest day...
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    Former pastor, missionary, professor in Divinity choosed Islam !

    Assalmu alakium sister, Congratulation for reverting to Islam may Allah give you long life and a happy one.
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    Saddaam's Last words! (very graphic)

    Assalamu alakium, Why is the video of sadaam's last words! no longer available?
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    curious new member

    Assalamu alakium Sister. Iam very pleased that you have come to this great Website. People of all colour, race ,gender,they are all most welcome. Any questions please do not hesitate to ask,brothers and sisters will try there best to help you. Islam doth invite all people to the truth: there...
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    Recent Revert

    Walakium Assalam sister. Welcome come to the family site.
  11. M

    Christmas - The Islamic Ruling Regarding Christmas

    Asalamu Alakium , Brother iam so happy that you are not watering down ISLAM. I could not have given a better reply. :jumpclap:
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    From a Japanese Muslim!

    Walakium assalam sister. IT is great to hear you have reverted to Islam. Welcome to the site,any questions please do not hesitate to ask.