Recent content by moon light

  1. M

    بيان في شأن انتشار الأدعية المبتدعة

    جزاك الله خيرا أخ أيمن ما قلته صحيح والأدهى من ذلك أن هناك من يضيف أن هناك شخص دعا بالدعاء وأرسله لزملائه فوفقه الله وأغناه وهناك شخص آخر أهمله فوقع عليه الفقر واللعنات من الله وحدث سوء له وهذه كلها خرافات جزاك الله خير الجزاء وجعلها في ميزان حسناتك يوم القيامة
  2. M


    assalamu alikom congratulation my sister may allah protect u from any bad thing u should know u have much moslim sister for u in tti and ready for helping u any time
  3. M


    sorry then u click on submit reply
  4. M


    welcome Nasariya to tti it's so easy u can click on the word Quote on the right side it 'll appear the matter is written u can delete it then write what u want easly i hope i explain clearly
  5. M

    Today was the night of power?

    i also felt the last night was alqadr night i was praying and crying and felt this feeling but today the sun was shining strongly i couldn't look at it so i'll wait to the end of ramadan to work hard and to be sure of alqadr night
  6. M

    Boyfriend/Girlfriend in Islam?

    we can. bcoz we discuss only Islamic issues and dont have fun, jokes with the opposite gender. also here, brothers and sisters dont look into each other's face which is a source of temptation. i agree with brother Ahmed u r completely right because the shaytan is more clever than us and i have...
  7. M

    American Scientists used ultrasound to proof The Holy Quran is True -

    It's realy a wonderful video sobhan allah jasakom allahu khairan
  8. M

    Attack for forgiveness

    I wish for u and for ur families happy ramadan Inshaallah so,the youth of Masrelmahrousa assosiation in Egypt have made an attack for forgiveness befor Ramadan so i wish all of u share that attack at this site
  9. M

    دعوة للتسامح

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته إخوتي وأخواتي الأعزاء كل عام وانتم بخير بمناسبة قرب قدوم شهر رمضان المعظم وبهذه المناسبة قامت جمعية مصر المحروسة بلدي للأنشطة الخيرية في مصر بإطلاق حملة باسم دعوة للتسامح وهي عبارة عن دعوة أن ندخل هذا الشهر الكريم بقلوب طاهرة خالية من الغل أو الحقد لأي إنسان...
  10. M

    Taqabal allho menkom saleh al a'amal

    :salam2:I'm so happy that i join this website it's realy a wonderful site to know more sisters and brothers in Islam and know more about islam May allao accept ur work. My name is Hala from cairo- Egypt i'm married i ve' a boy 11 years old and agirl 8 years old.I work in an assosiation which...
  11. M

    Introducing Myself as a New Muslim.

    welcome to islam community ,Nich .I hope allah will protect u from fetan ( i don't know the meaning in English) but i hope u will be a wonderful person in Eslam
  12. M

    Need Help

    may allah accept ur salah so,pls i ask u aldoaa for me
  13. M

    Time to take a break.

    i wish allah will be with u in your vacation and it will be happy one full of hassanat so pls i need your help by aldoaa for me your sister