Recent content by Mrs S

  1. M

    Repentance is a blessing that gives relief to the heart

    Thank you muslimg - very encouraging/informative reading. :)
  2. M

    I am at beginning because I am learning...

    Congratulations sister, on becoming a Muslim - Subhan' Allah. Try to seek a little new knowledge each day as you will be rewarded. May Allah make your path easy.
  3. M

    Salaam alaikum

    Thank you for the kind welcome. Children all born Muslims born in Saudi Arabia (husband originally from Sudan/Uk) Children brought up as good and practising Muslims - though the Western world has too many vices and temptations.:(
  4. M

    Salaam alaikum

    Salaam alaikum everyone - so very pleased I found TTI site:) I am a revert of almost 20 years. I am a bit lost at the moment and also very sad, I am recently widowed :( after a long and happy marriage. I have 2 grown up sons aged 23 and 24, and a daughter 21 years old.