Recent content by Muslimah_4_Ever

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    قصة بسيطة ذات عبرة ، و تعلمك بعض الكلمات ال&#1

    السلام عليكم قصة مؤثر لكن ليس من المفروض ان نأخد كل شىء من أبوينا ولا نعطيهم شيئا يجب أن نكون بارين بهما دائما ان شاء الله
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    ولد يصرخ كلما صلى

    السلام عليكم تصرف رائع فعلا يدل على ذكاء هذا الطفل يارب كل أولادنا يكونوا مثله
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    read it

    jazak allah khairan for refreshing our memory to say this things and may allah give u ثواب when every one of us use it
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    The red and blue coat

    السلام عليكم ooooooooooh nice story thanx bro
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    The awesomest pointless game ever! - Word Association

    السلام عليكم happiness - success
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    The awesomest pointless game ever! - Word Association

    school ---- homework
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    Your important role for Gaza

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته firstly excuse me for my bad English I'm not fluent secondly: I know that we all feel very sad and we hope to be able to do anything for them next to dua we know what is happening ther ( killing children , women, old,.....) but in the other countries...
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    The awesomest pointless game ever! - Word Association

    السلام عليكم Global Warming- biodiesel
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    How Many Words Can You Create From 1!!!!

    LOL :lol: what a protein I cannot even read it سبحان الله
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    ...........I Dislike..............

    I dont like war next x
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    Gaddafi's son pays US diva for New Year's Eve

    hasbuna allah wa me3m al wakeel
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    News Reporter Cries whilst Talking About Gaza Palestine

    this video really touch my heart may allah be with them
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    the biggest robbery in the history of science!!A must watch

    oooooooooooh really Iam astonished ! Iam really ashamed that other people defending our islam and we just stay in scilence? I hope we will regain some of our dignity soon جزاك الله خيرا