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  • و عليكم السلام و رحمة الله و بركاته
    هلا عيوووووني
    أنا بخير الحمد لله
    شخبارك أنتِ ؟
    من زمان عنك عسووولة :(
    Wa'alaykum asalaam shunna maas bunna :D:D:D
    How are uuuuu??? :D:D:D Alhamdulillaah I am ok, jazakillaahu khayran :p
    Missing uuuuuu yasuuuu :D:D:D:D
    I didn't take any pics and I'm sure if u did see them, then you would think I made something else :D They weren't a round shape when I rolled them out with the rollying pin, even my mum said that it it looks like a goats ear lool :D:D Oh well, next time will be better InshaAllaah, practice makes perfect right? :p
    Oh and sis the dhul hijjah has started so we got like 10 days till 'Eid so **EID MUBARAK** :D:D though it's early but I wanted to be first to greet u :D:D
    I love u moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooore sis and u know it :cool: Take care ukhtiiiii, may Allaah bless u and ur fam :) Fi aman Allaah xx
    Asalamu alaikum ahlan, sister! :D Freezing cold in Canada now or is global warming doing it's job? :D :hearts: Hugs all the way from Cairo to Canada. :) :hearts:
    :eek: ooo em gee really?? :lol: they must be weirdo's then hehehhe :lol::D
    weather here is turning so cold day by day...brrrrrrrrr....u knw what they its extreme hot weather or extreme cold weather:lol:
    Yupsy!!!!!! i LOVE haleem!!!:D:D:D what abt u??
    u too take care!!!
    love ya!!♥
    Wa'alaykum asalaam ukhto :D
    yeeeeeeees i made it! :D:D zeh mozah asil :p
    shukran once again :p
    U make it everyday? Send moi some :p
    love u lots and lots and lots and lots love u lots and lots and lots and lots love u lots and lots and lots and lots love u lots and lots and lots and lots love u lots and lots and lots and lots :D Fi aman Allaah! :D
    Im also fitttttt finnnnne :D..studies goin well alhamdulilah! :lol: same here tell me who doesnt hate skol :D:D:D
    Ameen sis to ur dua! ameen amennnn!! :D:D:lol:
    mwahz! and HUGE HUG*:lol:

    take care my sista!
    noooooooo :D lol I had paratha, u know the recipe u gave moiiii :D:D it was mozah to the max :D shukran jazeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelan affa monz :D
    may Allaah bless u
    fi aman Allaah X
    oh hun, iam out to eat lol
    iam so hungry and my sis cooked some yummilicous foooooooooooooodddd!!
    pasta,,,, lol
    and sugo lol
    and moos!
    now u got hw to find wat those mean;)
    Allah hafiz nw n always:D:D:D:D
    wa Alaikum salaam sweettiieee:D:D:D:D:D:D

    oh no, I need to hide ahahah!
    hw r u dear!??:D:D:D:D:D
    Salamz sista!!!!!:D:D
    hws u? whats up? i hope u and ur family all fit nd fine inshalah! make dua fr my test 2morooooo....
    take care!
    hug and mwahzzzzz*

    ur crazy lil sis:D:D:D
    here raining heavily so enjoying how about you sister ?????

    in arabic how to ask

    how are you???----
    how's life going on--
    gud morning--
    gud evening--
    gud night ---
    thank you
    aahahahaa OMA! I confused u:D oh go me, go me,go meee!!!!
    I love's ok hun, it was just nonsense, unless u was HYPER too u cudnt understand:D:D:D:D
    lolololol..................nani in six yrs ahaha, lol I cannt believe I said that! that jst tells u hw much I SUCK at math LOL
    u r for gray?:D
    i knw man, studies are suckers lol......but hey its guud for ur brain (yea right)lol
    inshaAllah u'll finish the lab report and sit back enjoying some yummilicious ice cream, or HOT coco :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
    I am not hiPER no moooo :D:D:D:D
    ok salaama
    ana uhubuki qalbi,
    kiiss kiss
    Allah hafiz nw n always :D:D:D:D:D:D::::D:D:D:D:D:D
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