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  •  behan
    Asalaamu'alaykum sister :D:D
    Miss u soooo much! Ameen wa anti min ahlil jaza' :D
    Kita khobor? Kita khayso? :D Hope everythings going well for u :)
    InshaAllaah I hope to come online soon, I've got a lot of coursework to do :(
    Make du'aa for me plz :D:D
    Fi aman Allaah! X

    P.S. Ami afnareh aro bala fi :D
    hehehehehe im shwwet? It takes one to knw one sis;) :D but ur much better at it than myslef .. trust me:D ur a natural..i have to try LOL :D

    hu tane prem karoon? LOL.. thats so cute! We shay.. Oo tane prem karoon lol we leave the "h" LOL :D

    Mine too.. man im growin old big tmy :p and my hair ? dont even mention hair to me! :p those long grey strands of hair or doin my head in :p :D haha!

    Aaaaaaanywyas lol, m Alhumdulillah keeping well :):) and u habibtii?

    Looking forward to meeting you :p inshaAllah :D

    Sososososo muchmadrasa kaam to do lol :D i better get started nito pachi aapaa maari lakh hain :p *or else my teacher's will kill me* LOL :D not literally obviously :p

    You tc hun, be good :p hahahahah!
    Luv n salaamzto mum and my beautiful sisters!
    hahahaha! :)

    Alhumdulillah hayati ;) LOL i love that- itsh sho shweeeeet!

    Hows uni been? And yes, finally LOL thats wah ev1 say LOL :D

    wa anti min ahlil jazaa habibtii :) :D

    Tc shpeacial care of yourshelf :D I luvsh youuuuu! :)

    salaamu Alaikum lilltle miss sunshine!:D:D:D:D
    lol sometimes I do sis:D but most I dont! I eat break EARLY in the morning like 7 lol
    then nothing after that:) I guess my day goess fast that I dont even recognize iam hungry lol
    I mostly skip lunch idk why lol
    it's weird hahaha but hey:) i dont mind ( I am not on diet) iam just a weirdo lol
    ameen may HE llovve YOU as well dearly sis!:D
    mwahhss right back at uuuu!!:D
    Asalaamu'alaykum wa rahmatullaah affa monz :D
    Ameen wa anti min ahlil jaza' :)
    Baraka Allaahu feki ukhti :D
    I can't come on msn because it won't let me log on, it says I have to download the new one but I don't want to coz I don't know if it's free. So I may download a diff version and then come online when I have time InshaAllaah :D:D
    Miss u :( May Allaah bless u and ur fam, Fi aman Allaah and nahiiiiiiiii I love u moooooooooooreeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D:D:D:D:D x
    alhamdulilah am doin good sis
    lol i don think am rockin ittt
    am doin not soo good at it
    anyway insha'Allah am sure u'll do greatttt
    habiibti i missed uuu
    hop everythin is goood
    wasalamu aalikum
    Asalaamu'alaykum ukhtiiii I couldn't keep the siyam :shymuslima1::shymuslima1::shymuslima1::shymuslima1: :(:(:(:(:(:(
    I'll explain later InshaAllaah. I got soo much work to do :(
    I hate college!! :angryred: :angryblue: *DABA*
    May Allaah bless u and ur family :D
    I love u moooooooooooooooooooooooooooorree :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
    Fi aman Allaah :):):):)
    :lol: tell me who doesnt hate math:D:D:lol:
    Jzakallah khair sista!!! mwah! yeah its getting cold day by day:D:D amen to ur duas too:D
    :lol: ok i'l visit canada whne Allah wishes:D:D:D
    alhamdulilah my fam also fine:D!
    GAINT hug to u:D:D":lol:

    lil behna fatima:lol:
    k sis Salaamu Alaikum wr wb:D

    I gotta get to the the pageI told u abt..................and I need to eat too lol
    I always eat after asr always lol
    i wonder why???:p
    anyways, talk to u soon,:D:D:D::D:D
    Allah hafiz nw n always, luv u filAllah dear ukhti
    mac mac mac
    huggies :D::D:D:D
    SubahanaAllah :D

    hey I see it too :D:D:D
    I hope u dont mind me poppin up lol.....................:D
    AlhamduliAllah :D
    Asalaamu'alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu sis, can u see the message above? :
    Assalamu alaykum, Brothers and Sisters, Please do not post Visitor Messages or Private Messages to any person from the Opposite Sex. -- Make your friendships with your own Gender! This website is for Learning Islam. Please Fear Allah. -
    Jazak Allahu khayr ! -- And sisters please be careful! Learn Islam from the good sisters only.-- Make sure you dont have men writing on your profiles or sending PMs.

    I'm sure your happy :D Alhamdulillaah :)
    aaaaaaaaww ameeeeeeeen ya Rab:D
    jazakaAllah khairan sis :D
    luv u dear sis,
    I have to write this describtive aam page about a place that relaxes me lol
    I dont think I even have one...but I wil search;) at the back of ma head and seeeeeee wat I come up with, I have the word up but nothin is on it lol
    wat a lazzy gurrll (hahhaaha) :D:D:D
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