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  • hahah me too sis lol
    I am in the same boat :D:D:D:D:D
    I actually rush myself almost on a daily basis with my hw lol
    but these days I am tryin a bit harder lol
    and studyin hard but nt smart.........i guess thats why I am still here <sigh>
    asmaaaaaaa sorry sissss :(
    was showerin but then wwhen i came back u were already offline :(
    misss uuuuuuu
    inshaAllah speak to u sooon
    wa salaam

    MSN mashaALlah.... LOL :D u left me hanging.. :p im still waiting for u to get back :lol:

    Luvya hun

    Alhamduliallah :D:D:D
    been better :D
    hey I am gunna go do mine too lol
    I wanted to but then I had that question abt sunnah I am stuck here for abt an hr or soo lol
    luv u smart but not hard;););)
    my english teacher always says that lol
    mac mac dearly sis <3
    :lol: same here! got a test on monday of math!! i hate math :( :lol: pray that i pass in it:D:D:D
    i love ya moreeeeee mere pari si behna:D:D ameen ameen! May Allah(swt) add happiness and subtract sorrow frm ur life!ameen ameen!:D:D
    here weather is goin so cold! brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!:D:D:lol:
    u tellz and hw is ur family? i hope all fine! m very hapy today cuz my dad came home today after a week of departure frm home!

    mwah and hug*
    Glad to hear that ur fine :D:D sorry if i made u angry or sumthing... I dont want anyone to be mad at me:D:D:D Love u fr da sake of Allah(swt) hug*
    whats up these days?
    Wa'alaykum asalaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu ukhtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :D
    Nahhh I dnt change moiii mind, just that ur name is similar to jasmine :D:D:D:D:D

    Please read you email inshaAllah :)

    Take care, missing our convo's over on MSN hope we get to chat soon,

    Lotsa lurrrrrvvvvv to me lurrrrvvllyyy ukhtiiii :D


    PS, u wont be able to post on my profile i think LOL :D So dont worry bout it :)


    Salamu'alaykum sister, I'm soooo sorry I had to go like that, my connection was just soo slow but it's better now Alhamdulillaah. Nwy like to say an early Jumu'ah Mubarak :) Fi aman Allaah X
    Muslimah_mtl lol
    u keeep callin me zahrany and i'll call u muslimah_mtl :D
    barakAllahu feeki sis
    Wa'alaykum salam wr wb :D
    InshaAllaah I'll send u but gimmi ur address init :D
    haha :D may Allaah bless u sis :D
    yum shunna I had cabbage and carrot bazi with baat :D
    inshaAllaahu stay good sis, make du'aa for me :)
    Fi aman Allaah may Allaah bless u and ur family X
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