Recent content by NatalieSiddiqui_334

  1. NatalieSiddiqui_334

    News ISIL video shows Christian Egyptians beheaded in Libya

    The horrid and evil actions that these people do. They will certainly be cursed souls on the day of reckoning.
  2. NatalieSiddiqui_334

    Sisters Plucking/threading/waxing eyebrows

    I am just asking if it is haram to remove hair from my brow to please my husband? I am a convert from last june, my husband and I have been married for over 3 years. this hadith says -an-Nasa’i narrated that the Prophet PBUH was asked, “Who are the best of women?” HE said, “The one who...
  3. NatalieSiddiqui_334

    Sisters Plucking/threading/waxing eyebrows

    He is not forcing me to do anything. First and foremost he would never tell me to remove hijab or drink alcohol. And I would look manly if I didnt get my hair removed by the bone structure in my face and women are not suppose to resemble men.
  4. NatalieSiddiqui_334

    Sisters Plucking/threading/waxing eyebrows

    I am a convert and my husband does love me for my emaan. But it is in hadith that when our husbands look at us we should please him. He likes how I look when I get my eyebrows done.
  5. NatalieSiddiqui_334

    American Convert Problems

    Assalamualikum Sisters and Brothers, Since I have converted in June 2013, I have not heard from very many of the local muslims who would call/text me all the time to invite me for lunches and such and such. I feel as if their only goal was to convert me and now that I have they no longer want...
  6. NatalieSiddiqui_334

    Converted from Mormonism

    I have been hearing alot of new things about mormonism form my mother the more I try to explain islam to her.. May allah have mercy on her and all other mormons, they are so blinded and lost... I am so happy that allah swt guided me to islam! aluhmdullilah!
  7. NatalieSiddiqui_334

    Sisters Plucking/threading/waxing eyebrows

    I just read that the removal of the eyebrow hair for a woman is haram. What if my husband does not like how I look when my eyebrows get bushy? He takes me to get them threaded so that I am in his best liking. I am suppose to please my husband when he looks at me and if I do not get my eyebrows...
  8. NatalieSiddiqui_334

    Converted from Mormonism

    Assalamualaikum I'm not sure why.
  9. NatalieSiddiqui_334

    Allahu Akbar! The New Year - Shaykh Mawlānā Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullāh

    Beautifully said. thank you for this post! Very insightful. Mashallah ! :mashaallah::muslima::subhanallah:
  10. NatalieSiddiqui_334

    Question: Muslim Celebrating New Years

    Why is celebrating New Years not permissible when it is in no way a religious holiday, all people in America celebrate the new year regardless of race, age, religion, or social status. Why is celebrating new years such a bad thing? It doesn't involve anything haram such as dancing or alcohol. My...
  11. NatalieSiddiqui_334

    TurnToIslam Islam and slavery: Why does Islam allow sex with female slaves

    If you believe in Quran and the message of Allah swt then you should not even argue with this fact. Quran is true in all aspects.
  12. NatalieSiddiqui_334

    Quran Ayat of the Day, 2:109 & 2:110

    This was the perfect ayatollah for me today. I am newly converted and was reading surah al buqarah last night , when this morning I get a call and text from missionaries who my mom called to come see me . I didn't know what to say to them, since i havent come out to my family yet, then I went on...
  13. NatalieSiddiqui_334

    Being questioned about sex slaves

    I am being questioned about the sex slaves in Islam. Please any Hadith or other references to clear up this issue. Thank you
  14. NatalieSiddiqui_334

    Ibn Taymiyyah On Celebrating Christmas (And Other Non-Musilm Festivals)

    Just to clarify one thing , I am converted from Christianity , BUT , I was Mormon. My family believes god to be one , they do not pray to anything other than god , the same god that we pray to. They believe that Jesus was the son of god but he was not god or godly , they believe that he was a...
  15. NatalieSiddiqui_334

    Islam and Mormonism?

    Also Mormons do not pray to Jesus . They pray directly to god