Recent content by Neha SA

  1. N


    Typing error Maaf i made a mistake the other day when I joined instead of saying i will now make new friends, i said I will I guess you right sister I am excited !!!:tti_sister:
  2. N

    Hello From Turkey...

    welcome welcome Turkey Hope you enjoy what TTI has to offer insha Allah:salah:
  3. N

    introduce myself

    Welcome brother Hope you enjoy this website!!
  4. N

    hi to everyone...

    Welcome Simone Sister welcome and I hope Allah gives you guidance as he did with me. May you find the truth in islam and may this truth shine in your life and be a light to other non -believers.
  5. N


    Jakakallah Jazakallah for the welcome & warm wishes I received. How appropriate of a true believer to respond in this manner. Allah Hafiz
  6. N


    As Salaam Alaikom wa ratmulaih wa barakatatu to all my Brothers & sistes in Islam. I am very glad that I joined TTI and will not make new friends. I am from SOuth Africa and I am a revert for 4 years now. Jakakallah Khair