Recent content by PeacefulHumanity

  1. PeacefulHumanity

    Problem Please donate to this Masjid ravaged by a recent fire.

    Asalamualaikum Wa Rahmah Tullahi Wabarakatuhu, All praise is due to Allah (SWT), our Creator and Sustainer. I hope all my brothers and sisters are doing well. If I could trouble you for just a minute of your time, a masjid in New Jersey (USA), Al-Tawheed Islamic Center, was recently destroyed...
  2. PeacefulHumanity

    First Khutbah and I need some help :-)

    Asalamu alaikum warahmahtullahi wa barakatuhu :-) I hope that everyone is doing well, Insha'Allah. I was sort of thrust into the position of khatheeb at my school's Jummah next week and am a little scared. I've never given a sermon before and have no idea where to start. I have some ideas for a...
  3. PeacefulHumanity

    Is celebrating birthdays haram or encouraged?

    :salam2: I remember seeing this a while back. Maybe it will be useful: :wasalam:
  4. PeacefulHumanity

    Dozens of Muslim remains transferred in boxes from Mamanullah cemetery

    :salam2: This is so sick and wrong! How can they have such little respect for the deceased?! May Allah (SWT) help us overcome our oppressors. Ameen. :wasalam:
  5. PeacefulHumanity


    :salam2: An amazing story. The first half reminded me of the story of Prophet Ibraheem (AS). :jazaak: for posting. :wasalam:
  6. PeacefulHumanity

    It was Prophesized that today the members of this Ummah wouldn't care about each other.

    :salam2: This is a video that a Brother showed me. Please think about it and respect one another before saying anything. :jazaak: for watching. :wasalam:
  7. PeacefulHumanity

    10 Habits of Highly Effective Muslim Husbands

    :salam2: Thanks for the informative post. I'll try to keep these in mind and Insha'Allah I will be able to apply them if I ever get married. :wasalam:
  8. PeacefulHumanity


    :salam2: LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!! This was hilarious. Even a Muslim child has more knowledge than this guy. Hey Mister, lying is a sin to Christians, too! :wasalam:
  9. PeacefulHumanity

    Shia Iraqi Scholar says Fatima has Wilayat taqwiniya (Control of Atoms in Universe)

    :salam2: pfffffft This should be in the "Jokes" section. LOL. :wasalam:
  10. PeacefulHumanity

    Most Beloved Deeds

    :salam2: :jazaak: :wasalam:
  11. PeacefulHumanity

    Can I Search Through My Children’s Phone And Computer? By Sh. Saalih al-Fawzaan

    :salam2: Unfortunately, most parents aren't anywhere near as technologically literate as their children. We should instill good values in the children before giving them access to these kinds of things so that checking up on them isn't even necessary (you'd be able to trust them). Thank you for...
  12. PeacefulHumanity

    Probably difficult to trust anyone anymore...

    :salam2: It's obvious you're not the crazy one here. People clinging to racist beliefs about marriage can do crazy things sometimes and even go so far as to make stuff up along the way. Believe me, I know. I once talked to a Brother (who happened to be a therapist that specialized in...
  13. PeacefulHumanity

    :: 3 Questions :: with answers

    :salam2: Was I the only one who found that both educational and just a tiny bit funny? :) :wasalam:
  14. PeacefulHumanity

    A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam in many Languages

    :salam2: LOL, English one was the last one. :) If anyone is looking for an awesome English translation of the Holy Quran, check out "The Holy Quran in Today's English" by Yahiya Emerick. :wasalam:
  15. PeacefulHumanity

    Helping Out Your Fellow Brother

    :salam2: Hmm. This gives me an idea. Is there a section on this site where people can post jobs or requests for help (other than that relating to getting Knowledge) and we could respond to such requests? That would be a great way to find Brothers and Sisters in need of our assistance that we...