Recent content by Restless

  1. R


    Masha'Allah a good story to hear :)
  2. R


    No surprise in the least.
  3. R

    18 Tips to Simplify Our Spending

    Jazak'Allaah khair..some good tips there.
  4. R

    brother exposes farrakhan who pretends is muslim

    Indeed. They are so far from the path, it is scary. insh'allaah they will have their eyes opened.
  5. R

    American television is rubbish!

    99% of TV in the west is junk and should be avoided at all costs.
  6. R

    Man crashes plane into Texas office building

    Indeed, because it's not a Muslim, it's not news..
  7. R

    Hey I'm Aaron

    Welcome to the forum :)
  8. R

    The reasons for capital punishment in Islam

    Jazak'Allaah khair..thanks for sharing. A very imformative read and good for all to know
  9. R

    Revert Brother from London

    wa alaikum salaam. Akhee, there are plenty of reverts here mash'Allaah (myself included). Welcome to the site.
  10. R

    For those feeling *lonely* for Allah's sake...

    Yeah jazak'Allaah khair for that. In these times, this line has always been a comfort to me.
  11. R

    salam, new member

    Wa alaikum salaam :)
  12. R

    Greek Cypriot Revert in the UK!!!

    Wa alaikum salaam - good to have you here. I enjoyed reading your story too :)
  13. R

    as salam alaykum wa rahmatallah wa barakatu

    Wa alaikum salam :) Welcome to the forum
  14. R

    The dark side of Dubai - A long but must read article

    Dubai is pressty much a cesspit of what is wrong with this world - a concentration of all the bad things. A modern day Sodom and Gomorrah which insh'Allaah will have the same ending.
  15. R


    Ameen - Allaahu akbar!